One piece of gold at a time...
, 06-04-2014 at 06:26 AM (733 Views)
A quick update on my recent purchases. The 3DS and Theatrhythm Final Fantasy have been marked as shipped, and have left their starting locations. Still no news on Kingdom Hearts 3D or Pokémon X, but the seller of Pokémon X has given me positive feedback already. So maybe that's the seller's way of saying it's on its way, maybe? And Murdered: Soul Suspect is still showing that it is in Minnesota, having just left the Square Enix product warehouse. So, I still have some time to finish Drakengard 3 and get the review posted for Enix Origin.
I am one step closer to unlocking Branch D in Drakengard 3. Meaning, I now have 92% of the weapons instead of 90%. There is still the one weapon I get in one of Accord's requests, and three weapons for sale. The three cost a total of 220,500 gold. I wish there was a sale or something, because buying full price will take forever. Not really forever, but doing the same things over and over will seem like it. I don't even want to think about having to get them all upgraded at their maximum level. At least that is simpler than in Nier. It only takes one base material in this game, as opposed to Nier's three or four. But it will still be a simple trophy to earn.
Since I was bored with doing little side quests in Drakengard 3, I started a save file of Assassin's Creed yesterday. I have reached the third memory block thing. It isn't really that hard of a game, at least to the point I am at in it. It's also not that bad of a game story-wise, either. I could do without all of the wall climbing, though. I got enough of that in Prince of Persia.
Joey got himself into trouble yesterday. He took his birthday from where Carma told him to keep it, and then Carma thought she lost it when she went to check it. She called asking where he put it, and then said that he would have to think about what punishment he should get. She gave him a choice: no video games, no bike, or no dirt bike for two days. Honestly, I don't think it is harsh enough to teach him a lesson. Especially since he won't even be here for most of the next two days. I don't know what he ended up choosing, but it doesn't seem to have been video games. He was playing LEGO City Undercover after he came home this morning. And he took both his 3DS and Kindle when he left yesterday. I think he chose the bike, because he doesn't ride anymore now that he has the dirt bike. I mean, that would be what I would choose if I was him. And if I was Carma, I would not have given him a choice. I would have said that he can't have all three of those things for at least two days.
Moving on...
Things with me are okay. I am little tired from having to make sure I was awake to let Joey in when he came home this morning. I didn't want to run the risk of sleeping late, so I set my alarm just in case. Anyway, like usual, I woke up way before the alarm was set, and couldn't get back to sleep. It didn't help that I could fall asleep until after 1am. I wish I could say that I was up playing a game, but I wasn't. I was watching the South Korean election results come in on Arirang. This got me thinking that I will have to change the address on my voter registration. I will keep the same polling station, unfortunately. Anyway, I am rambling.
The plan for today is to try and suffer through and earn the money for the remaining weapons. Other than that, there's not much. Joey is leaving at noon to stay with family until tomorrow. Since I work tomorrow morning, there won't be anyone here to watch him. And since the people who usually watch him are going on vacation, he is being shipped off to another family member for the night. So, I guess that's it for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...