3 Days
, 01-17-2014 at 10:31 PM (760 Views)
Mom called today, just like she said she would in her letter. I could tell from her voice that she was happy to be coming home. It was nice to hear her voice. She said that she received her release papers and other things today. Since Monday is a holiday, she got it all today, and it also explains the 7am release as well. Normally, they wait until the afternoon, I guess. Anyway, she was only on for a couple minutes. It is really nice to think that in only about 60 hours my Mom will finally be back home after four years.
This morning I rode to Sinking Spring to the Post Office. The ride there was fine. I was a little scared that the snow trucks were going to come up on my side of the road behind me and plow me off the road, but I was pedaling too fast for that to happen. At the time, there wasn't a lot of snow on the road, but it was enough to make me ride down hills slowly. The hill from my house to the main road was the scariest. There was ice and snow both on the road.
Anyway, the ride back from Sinking Spring was the complete opposite from the ride there. The snow started falling heavily. It covered the entire road within minutes. And my clothes were white from all of the snow that had fallen on me. And not once did I see a snow truck while it was actually snowing. It was snowing so hard that I almost missed turning on to my road. I had my head down to keep the snow out of my eyes, and didn't see that I was approaching my turn.
I got home and parked my bike in the garage. On the walk to the house, I made up a song.
Michael, the Bike-Riding Snowman
(sung in the tune of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer)
Michael, the bike-riding snowman.
He came home very, very white.
There was so much snow on him,
That he was no longer light.
After he brushed off the snow,
Michael shouted out with glee.
"Michael, you bike-riding snowman,
hurry to the bathroom and pee!"
After finally getting in the house where it was warm, I warmed up near the fire. I spent a good while asleep on the couch with U. He's a great source of heat. While I was awake, my brother came home. Actually, that happened before I even fell asleep. He came home from work because there was no work to do in the current weather. I fell asleep after he left. Anyway, I slept a long time, because the snow took so much out of me, and it was so warm under the blanket near the wood stove.
I brought firewood in by myself this evening. That's normal. What isn't normal is the fact that I went and played in the snow afterward. I made some snowballs to play with Luca. She likes to try and catch them when I toss them in the air. It was dark when I came back in. It was a crazy idea, because I don't like playing in the snow. Anyway, the snow wasn't sticking together well, so I didn't stay out long; which shows when I started playing (nearly 7pm). I think tomorrow I may try and make something with the snow for the kittens to play on. I might get a box or crate to make snow blocks and make them a house of snow or something.
Well, that's all for now. Tomorrow I need to wash the dishes and work on getting the house presentable for Mom. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...