2-0 me3lingual v. 2-0 Havoc273
, 07-28-2014 at 05:05 AM (1727 Views)
It is unofficial, but I defeated ShogunCroCop with a score of 33-10. I lucked out toward the end, scoring eight points in the last 20 minutes. I took advantage of a glitch in Jak 3 where enemies with skull gems continuously spawn. I just stood there blasting them, and collected enough skull gems to earn me both the silver and gold trophies for skull gem collecting. Anyway, I am happy to have won two matches.
That may end though. My third opponent is Havoc273. This 24-year-old guy from Wales is the only other person in the Bronze League to have won both of the first two matches (you know, unofficially, since the results haven't been released yet). He is at PSN Level 27 91%, and has earned more than 6,000 trophies. He will be my toughest opponent in the League. I may take my first loss, and I hope it will be my only loss.
So, here's my plan. Today I will try and get the Platinum trophy for Murdered: Soul Suspect. I will just go and start a new game, because for some reason the game isn't letting me advance in the story now. I saved at the church, and I think I triggered a glitch or something, and now I can't do anything. Anyway, it will also give me a chance to go and comb every inch of the areas to get all of the clues and artifacts. Then, I will get the remaining seven trophies in the game, and have 24 points for my score.
Then, it is a toss-up from there on out. I am leaning toward either working on Thief or Final Fantasy X HD. The former is something I haven't played in quite a while; but when I did, earned me trophies somewhat quickly. The latter is a game I know well, but might take a while to earn trophies because I don't know anything about Dark Aeons or how to complete Sphere Grids. I may also start a save file for Final Fantasy X-2 HD, because I could use it to pad my score with some of the easier trophies. There's also the always reliable Jak II/Jak 3 combo. It hasn't failed me yet.
No matter what I choose, I want it to be something I have a Save File already on the hard drive. That means either Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time, Skyrim, Eufloria, Grand Theft Auto IV, Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, Call of Duty: Ghosts, or the newly re-installed Need for Speed: Most Wanted. What I wish more than anything is that Havoc273 would accept my PSN friend request. I sent them to both of my previous opponents because it helped me monitor when and what they were playing. But Havoc273 hasn't even been on the PSNProfiles forums or Competition page since July 24, 2014. And his last earned trophy was five hours before the match ended yesterday. It could be that he hasn't been on PSN since then, and just hasn't seen my message. I don't know.
Well, I guess that's enough rambling for right now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...