13th Place with 672 Votes
, 03-21-2013 at 06:53 PM (618 Views)
I am going to try and make this entry as short as possible. So, expect the longest entry I have ever written...maybe.
I left the house at 5:30am. Other than security lights and other illumination devices, it was pitch black outside as I rode the 9.8 miles to work. Yes, it wasn't the safest thing to do, but I wanted to get as much done in the office today so I could as much as possible on the check I will receive April 4, 2013.
As I was riding down the road, I noticed that the road was two different shades of dark. There was the dark shade, which is what I was riding on, and the light dark shade. I was not sure what this shade was exactly, so I didn't ride on it for fear of puncturing a tire or wrecking. I didn't find out what was causing the two different colors of road until I reached Peebles. It turned out to be snow. It didn't snow at all at home last night, but 9.8 miles away it snowed enough to cover the roads.
I folded my papers and managed to deliver them with only one wreck. I turning around in someone's driveway and hit an icy patch. Then the bike slid sideways and I landed on my knee. It hurt for a second. Which was good, because I was starting to think that maybe my leg had went numb from the frigid temperatures.
As I was getting my messenger bag packed up with the papers for the business route, one of the new girls came in to work. Gabby, who was supposed to be there to watch over the office while I was out delivering, still hadn't arrived. So, I ended up staying instead, with my papers still in my bag. I figured she was probably running late. I didn't mind, because it gave me time to warm up and work on the menu.
Then 11:30 comes along and still no Gabby. Thankfully, Misty arrived to check on the new girl, and I was able to finish my route. After I returned, I got back to work on the menu.
Gabby finally came to the office. She lost her keys and was tearing her whole house apart to find them. Her son put them in the dryer along with his toys (I guess he didn't want to put them in a toy box or something, I don't know). Anyway, she said she would be in tomorrow to work instead. I told her that she would have to, because there was no possible way I could do it because I have plans.
Anyway, work today was very productive. While Jennifer (the new girl) I worked, we got to know each other. I find it easy to learn about a person while I am working on something. First, she had no idea I was 26 years old. She said I had to be 18 or 19. It just shows that I still look a lot younger than I actually am. Then she was another person I could put on the list of people who were amazed that I ride my bike from my house (which to people I don't know is Woodland Altars, the nature preserve next to my house) to work. And like everyone else (except me) that works in the office, she also attended Peebles High School.
I managed to finish all I could on the menu. All it needs right now is the ad that the owner is building, and some slight changes (font color, etc.) and it will be finished. When the owner called the office today, she said that there are two more clients who want menus built. I acted excited, although I was dreading it. The first is going to be both an actual menu you read at a table and a takeout menu. The second client is for the Pizza place that opened up last week. I used to eat there when it was owned by the people who lived across from it. I want to try the new management's food, and maybe I will when I make the menu.
Before I left the office today, I sent the menu to my house via Email. I was going to print it off using my color printer. The plan is to give it to the dairy bar owner tomorrow. I printed it off, and it looks nice. It's not perfect, but it's still nice.
Instead of going straight home today, I stopped at Grandma's to watch the basketball game. It's what we do when March Madness time comes around. I know little about basketball, but it's nice to spend time with her when she is having fun. She was telling me today about how three of the referees were banned from refereeing in this year's games because of how they were calling the games unfairly. And she tells me about what teams she picked and how the teams have been playing. All kinds of stuff.
After that, I went on to Sinking Spring instead of turning on my road. I went to deliver the newspapers there. Since I am going to the Dairy Bar tomorrow, I don't want to double back on my trip tomorrow. After delivering, then I went home.
Dad is still not talking to me. Which is fine with me. If all goes well tomorrow, I won't need him for anything. First, because I will show him that I can go places that are far away without being taken there by him. And second, because I won't need him to cash my checks for me. I still didn't eat dinner with him and my brother. I noticed they a place out for me, but until Dad apologizes (and means it), I won't eat with him, talk to him (unless it's necessary), or have anything to do with him. I am done, and he needs to understand that.
After what seemed like forever during automatic updates on the PS3, I finally got to play Grand Theft Auto IV. Today I played some of the multiplayer games. I managed to earn two trophies while I was at it. First was for gaining rank, and the second was for killing a RockStar. I noticed I am ranked in the 6 millions. I am nowhere near some of the other TFF members (Aerif and Unknown Entity). Those two are way up there. UE was online when I was playing, and I thought about inviting her to play, but I decided against it. I probably would have gotten blown away if I did.
Those other people in Multiplayer are crazy good at the games. I may have to look in to getting a headset for my PS3 so I can talk. I don't like getting headshot when I am clearly signaling for them to ride shotgun and...well...use a shotgun on the other people. You'd think me blowing my horn would be the universal sign for GET IN MY CAR SO WE CAN KILL THE OTHERS.
My best result today was getting 5th place in a DeathMatch. There were 16 or 20 people in it, so I did really well.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow I am going to the Dairy Bar. And after that, I am going to Hillsboro. Hillsboro is roughly 24 miles from my house. I am going to the DMV to obtain an ID card. If all goes well, I will then cash my check at Wal-Mart (I assume they still cash checks for $3). Then I will peruse the toys/boardgames section, the bicycle supplies section (I want to get a speedometer), and video games section. After that, I want to go to Gamestop for the first time ever! There is a chance that I won't want to leave, but I will force myself to with the next activity. After Gamestop, I want to eat at either Burger King or Taco Bell. I have been craving Nacho Grande and Whopper sandwich with Onion Rings for weeks. Then finally, I will make my full stomached self back home.
If for some reason I am unable to get an ID card, I will probably cry. Seriously. It would break my heart to ride all the way to a city by myself just to be told that I am missing something. I went to their website, and I have what they require. But I am afraid that the Hillsboro office will be like the DMVs I have seen on TV. If I can't get the ID, I won't go to Wal-Mart (can't cash a check without ID), and I won't go to Gamestop (no sense going somewhere if I can't spend any money). And I will probably still go and eat somewhere (probably McDonald's). I will eat my feelings by consuming my weight in dollar menu food (since I wouldn't afford what I really want). I am not broke, I just don't have enough money to have fun with. Then I will go home and sleep.
Anyway, I have checked where the place is. It will be open tomorrow. I just don't know exactly how to get there because I will be going in a direction I don't know. I will print off directions. I don't want what happened on my trip to Latham to happen again. I am not visiting any friends so I doubt it will.
Well, I am off to bed. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...