13th Place with 1,002 Votes
, 03-24-2013 at 08:01 PM (721 Views)
I was back in 12th Place today. In fact, I was only 18 votes away from getting back into the Top 10 today. But now I need 162 votes to get into tenth place. There's still 6 days, 16 hours, and 34 minutes to get daily votes in. Click here to go straight to my profile and vote for me! Every vote helps!
Today was a gaming day. First, I advance the story some more in Grand Theft Auto IV. Not much, but I am nearing my brother's current position in the game.
In Final Fantasy XIII, I have reached Gran Pulse. I have completed several Cie'th Stone missions. I have the characters all focusing on a specific role in the Crystarium. Lightning-Commando, Snow-Sentinel, Sazh-Ravager, Hope-Synergist, Fang-Saboteur, and Vanille-Medic. None of them are close to getting to the end of the tracks; but before it was expanded again, Snow had three finished and the others had two finished each. It will take a while to get them advanced enough to move on with the story, so it's a good thing there are so many things I can go and do now.
In The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, I leveled up to Level 6. And since it had been a week since I last played, I forgot that the Dark Brotherhood was coming to visit. I am currently on the mission to join them right now. Actually, I had already joined them, but then on my way back to my house I did some exploring in Horn Cave. Then I died, because the ceiling collapsed on top of me. So, I am currently in the Inn of Ill Omen, about to complete the initiation assassination.
And finally, I played Portal 2 tonight. As I was waiting for the updates to download, I was reading through the manual (which didn't take nearly as long as the updates did) and thought that I wouldn't like the game at all. I mean, playing as some robot thing with a gun that puts weird holes in walls??? That sounds a little boring. But I was wrong. It takes careful planning and strategy to place the holes so I can get where I need to go. I like this game. A lot! But, not because the puzzles are fun. It's because the sarcasm that the main robot has. And Turret sounds so pitiful, it's so cute!
Trophy Progress: Level 3, 62%
Catherine 14% Fallout 3 2% Final Fantasy XIII 26% Final Fantasy XIII-2 1% Grand Theft Auto IV 18% Metal Gear Solid 4 0% Portal 2 4% Prince of Persia 16%
Other than that, I didn't do much. I uploaded a video on YouTube, be sure to check it out on my channel. I fed the animals, and brought firewood in. I watched the sleet come down and make everything slushy. And I watched my brother go into a deeper and deeper sad mood. He has court tomorrow, and may not be coming home afterward. It's about the wreck he had on Thanksgiving. The terms were for him to get his license reinstated before tomorrow, but since he can't do that due to traffic tickets elsewhere and the warrant out for him, he will most likely be in jail at this time tomorrow. I think that's what has him so down today.
Tomorrow I am going to spend the day snuggled in a blanket with U on my chest playing video games. If some of the weather reports are correct, it will snow a lot tonight. So other than checking the mail and feeding the animals, I am not going outside.
That's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...