And the Winner is...
, 03-31-2013 at 07:58 PM (590 Views)
Not me. I got tenth place. Which is super awesome! Thank you to everyone who voted. I wouldn't have been able to finish as well as I did without every single vote. I had 1,567 votes this time around. Originally, I thought of taking a step back and not campaigning at all for a while. Save up my bonus votes, you know? But I think I will just not actively campaign for a while instead. I mean, in order to get the bonus votes, I have to vote in every category. Why not continue to vote for myself in gaming until I am able to dominate the competition? That will save me the time of having to choose who to vote for.
I played Grand Theft Auto IV today. And again, I was blown away by the story. I am farther in the game than my brother, so that may be why I feel this way. I got to experience the story as a player, instead of a backseat gamer. The way the story is going, I have no idea where the game will end up. Originally, I thought it would be a final battle against Niko and Roman, then Niko and Dmitri; but now Niko and I have no idea. I will just wait until the final battle comes, and do my best to win. And to see the Trinity mission in another perspective was amazing! I knew the Luis side of the mission from having played it a couple years ago. Back then, I had no idea that Johnny and Niko were part of it as well. I think this is my new favorite GTA game!
In other news...
Today was Easter. And I spent it at home, by myself. The way I prefer it. Now that Dad and my brother are here, I don't feel obligated to make an appearance at family gatherings to make sure our branch of the family has some representation. Not only that, but I am not going to pretend that I am part of a big happy family when my Dad is there. Having him near me makes food taste bad in my mouth. I would not have enjoyed myself because he was there.
Moving on...
Tomorrow I am working in the office to complete the Dairy Bar menu. After that is finished, I will be starting on the next menu. I have so much excitement on my face right now. The thrill of yet another menu just oozes out of my pores. Anyway, I am getting paid, and that is really the only thing that has me excited about tomorrow. Menus are really boring to make anymore. Maybe if I got other projects to spread out the menus I would feel happier about it. Like a calendar, or map, or something. But another menu? It's not too fun.
Well that's all for now. I had planned on playing until I was really tired, but I am tired now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until the next I see your avatars...