10th Place with 1,487 Votes!
, 03-29-2013 at 09:05 PM (688 Views)
I am sitting pretty up there in 10th Place! I have even been noticed and gained another subscriber on YouTube. Also, my sister still hasn't used any of her bonus votes because they aren't needed. I told her to only use the Bonus votes when I fall below tenth place. So, they are there if needed, and there are ten more saved up.
I delivered in Sinking Spring today. It was really cold this morning, but it wasn't cold long. As the day progressed, it became increasingly warm. So warm that the cats spent the majority of the day outside.
I, on the other hand, spent the majority of the day inside. I played Final Fantasy XIII. I didn't advance the story, but I did complete some Cie'th Stone missions. While I was playing, Iris sent me a message. She asked me to call the owner and update her on the menu. I told her I would. And I did. Three hours later.
I gave the update on the menu, and then the owner asks me to come to the office and completely finish it today. I said I was busy here at home (kind of a lie, but kind of not). She said that I can work on it on Monday, which was what I was planning on doing anyway.
Now, I wasn't doing anything important. I was playing video games. But I didn't want to go to work. Not at two in the afternoon. It takes me forty minutes to get to work, so there's no point in going to work for twenty minutes and then having to ride back home for forty minutes. I have developed a need to leave work at work. But the owner is insisting I drop everything (again, video games) just to work more. I already work a full day more than what I get paid for, so I am not going to put in more work until I at least get paid for all the time I work. And it's not just that I work a whole day extra for free. I also do not receive commission for the ads I do sell. On Thursday while I was working in the office, I sold a 1/8th page ad for four weeks. That's $160, with commission being $24 total ($6 each week for four weeks). And so, I told Gabby to sign her name on the insertion order and count it for her total. Since I don't get paid for ad sales, at least someone I know will.
Anyway, enough about work.
I also went and gave Skyrim another chance. My initial feelings toward the game are the same. But to add to those, I really like how I don't have to go to sleep in order to level up. I started a new game, and managed to go to Level 4. I did the side mission where you have to retrieve the golden claw from the bandits. I don't fully understand the perks system yet, but I am getting there. It may not be such a bad game after all.
Those zombie things in the dungeon scared me a lot. It was as if Slender Man had come for a visit or something.
Speaking of Slender Man, I still haven't attempted to complete that game. It is too scary for me. Oh well, maybe one day.
Well, tomorrow I am washing laundry and playing more video games. I may be up a while yet. I haven't decided. I am tired, but I want to play more. Anyway, I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...