A Moogle will cry if...
, 10-13-2013 at 08:45 PM (815 Views)
...I don't make it to the next round of this talent competition I am in to try and win a copy of the upcoming Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD. The voting for Round 2 started today. Right now I am tied for 1st Place, but it is still early in the voting period. I'd appreciate it if I could get some more votes. Here's my submission for Round 2.
The other three people who made it to Round 2 all submitted music-related videos, while mine is different (this time, origami). Please help me do well this round and show that music isn't the only talent there is by voting here.
I am almost finished with Xenosaga Episode I. And by almost finished, I mean I am three boss fights away from finishing it. And all three are pretty close together. The last two I know for a fact are one right after the other. I read that I won't even get a chance to heal before the final one. I am glad to be almost finished with it.
Well, tomorrow is Columbus Day here, so it's basically a day I would normally play video games. And that's what I hope to do. Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...
Please vote for me, and later!