10 Little Moogles Standing in a Row
, 10-12-2013 at 08:32 PM (676 Views)
Today I updated the video game list by adding recent purchases and checking off the ones I have completed recently (GTA V). The process took nearly an hour because of double checking.
I played Xenosaga Episode I, and progressed through the next boss. The boss was really easy to defeat compared to the normal enemies before it. The enemies after the boss are really disturbing to look at. And they're tough, too. I couldn't figure out the puzzle, so I stopped playing and will work on it later.
Dad was here today. He starting cutting up the big pile of logs in the yard that we will be using as firewood this winter (or later this month depending on how cold it gets). I don't see why he bothers doing it, since he won't be enjoying the heat. I mean, he can pretend to be doing it to fulfill some paternal need to make sure his sons have heat, but he's not fooling anyone.
My brother didn't come home last night. So, I didn't get to surprise him with my new breakfast making ability. I told him when he finally got back home that I would make him breakfast if he wanted tomorrow morning. He said that he doesn't eat breakfast. I asked when this started, because he would always make something for breakfast. He changed the subject.
The only other thing I did today was update all of my finances. It was probably the second-most fun I had today. And that's about it. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...