Work was crappy until the last 15 minutes.
, 11-09-2012 at 08:20 PM (2576 Views)
To get the boring stat out of the way, I sold for zero ads today for a total of $0. I was so bad at selling that I very nearly put a classified ad in with my own money just so I wouldn't turn in $0. Which would be really dumb on my part as the paper pays me. So, I almost used the paper's money to pay for an ad that I place, and in turn receive that money back in my next paycheck. If that makes sense, then that makes one of us.
I really tried. I just failed, a lot.
I was working with Iris today. Gabby was also supposed to come in and work, but she didn't. It was a good chance to catch up with Iris, since we rarely see each other anymore. The last time I saw her was about a month ago. I was delivering, and she nearly pulled her car out in front of me. But actually talking to each other, we haven't done that in months.
The reason I work on Mondays is because Iris works elsewhere that day. Random Fact
So we worked and chatted, and when Misty came in we talked with her. While we were talking, I discovered something. I am the only male employee. Which is a little odd, because Wade was the first guy friend I've had since probably 2nd Grade. I just connect with girls better than guys. My two best friends are both girls, after all. Anyway, after this realization, I was told some strictly confidential things that I can't even disclose to you all. I promised. And one thing I learned with having girl friends is that you do NOT tell secrets told within the group, until it serves to your advantage and then slam it in their faces. Just kidding...or am I?
What I can tell you is that at the end of this conversation Iris and I were told of potential promotions to our positions at the paper. Iris may possibly become the new office manager in the near future, because of her oranizational skills and knowledge with the business programs on the computer. And I may possibly be the new composer of the paper, because of my computer ability and previous experience with putting a newspaper together. And when will we find out more? I have been asked to work again in the office next Friday (November 16) instead of my scheduled Monday (November 19). Misty is going to suggest to the owner that this happens, so Misty can focus more on her schooling and de-stress from having jumbled together (school and work and the secret things that I will be killed if I tell anyone).
So, this is good for the two of us because it means a step up in the business. Misty was doing the composing (building the paper) and office managing by herself for years, so for her to pass these jobs to us is a great thing. It means that she trusts the two of us and believes that we would be able to accomplish what she has done every week for nearly 12.5 years (I don't know the exact length of time she has worked for the paper, but this week was Volume 12, Issue 27).
Then Misty left to get her kids from school. Iris and I finished working (we were addressing envelopes for invoices) and she randomly says to me, "Have you ever gotten the feeling like on Christmas Eve that you know when you wake up you're going to have presents?"
"You mean like feeling giddy?"
"Yeah. Like you know something is going to happen and you know it's going to be good for you?"
Our conversation ended there, because I ran out of envelopes. But I think I knew why she said it. I had the same feeling as I was riding to Grandma's after I left. Like above described, I felt as if something good was going to happen. I think that the two of us are going to advance in our careers. Which would be super awesome fantastic great happiness!
If it happens and it works out, then I will finally get my family off my back about getting more schooling. Yeah, I know, I am doing the same thing as when I plan my finances every other day. I have planned everything out, and done so with no bad things possibly happening. Just like when I have the next two months of paychecks already spent before I even consider that I may not even have a job by the end of those two months.
Anyway, one of the things Iris and I talked about was me going back to school. I told her the truth. I said that I was thinking about it. And I am. Thinking about it. She said how would I get back and forth to school (since bicycling is apparently not an option). I told her that if I do, it would be the whole nine yards. The only way to satisfy my family would be if I went full-time and at a school far enough away that I wouldn't be able to afford to come home often. And really, if I do decide to do it, I would also want that (seriously, I do). I have no idea what I would want to work toward. I am thinking language teacher, or something fun (like reality TV star) like meteorologist.
After I got home, it was a normal day for me. I finished my chores and ate dinner, and now I am typing this entry. Perfectly normal.
My brother was talking on the phone with Hoochie HoBag. She was begging for money, and he wasn't giving in (Boy Power). After all, he was instructed by his lawyer to not give anything to her until after divorce. I only caught snippets from my room, but when he told Dad about the call I overheard more details.
Well, that's all for now. Hope to see you around the forums! Later!