This is why ebay's no good for me.
, 06-07-2013 at 01:29 AM (2500 Views)
I've had to cover a few people's shifts over the past two weeks so today I decided to buy a bunch of stuff off my favourite place to splurge: eebaaay.
Trademe, NZ's version of buy and sell can be pretty slack when it comes to stuff that I'm looking for, and sites like Mightyape or Fishpond rarely have what I'm looking for either, so I usually to turn to the sometimes foreigner hating (no international shipping, my arse) ebay to buy my junk.
On top of my list is Final Fantasy V: Advance, as it's notoriously difficult to track down over here for some reason, and I'm not gonna buy the slightly inferior Anthologies version either. It's not mint in box, but it comes with everything (box, manual, etc) and all up it cost a bit over $30 NZ. About half of what they're charging for Anthologies too, might I add.
Second is an old Transformers PS2 game, I think it's the only PS2 one not to be based off the movies which were dreadful games anyway. It actually got some good reviews back in the day, and IGN put it at #83 in their top 100 ps2 games, so at the least I should make a nice break from rpg's etc. This time It's from Aus and like FFV, it's not mint, but it does come with everything intact. For someone who's borderline OCD about the quality of his games, I couldn't be happier.
And lastly I got a "You can draw Transformers" book for my younger brother, but who am I kidding, I'm gonna flick through it too. It's fully legit, being written and drawn by actual TF artists and writers, not some crappy knockoff that uses the term "Transforming Robots" so that they don't get sued by Hasbro, and I just found out that the money I spent on it goes towards charity. I'm not sure which one, but for the amount I spent on it they better bloody make the most out of it.
Oh and I bought Ratchet and Clank (the first one) from EB games a week or two ago but I haven't been able to play it yet as all my ps2 memory cards are full, so I'm gonna have to get one off Trademe, as It's not worth the upwards of 3 week shipping if I was to get it from the US. It's a shame that the only ones I can find are all 3rd party ones. If you can recall a blog I made sometime last year, my not-Sony memory card died, along with like 5 or 6 years worth of gaming.
So yeah that's pretty much it. I was going to post this in that 'latest purchase you made' thread but it's like half a year old, and besides I'm behind on any sort of update for this thing.
Thanks for reading,
See you guys around the forums.