A weird-ass dream.
, 06-17-2013 at 12:32 AM (1990 Views)
I read quite a bit about the new MSG last night, and so i ended up having a really weird dream about it. I can't remember much but one part that I do remember was that Snake (might have been Raiden) was smoking a cigarette with a robot arm and then the title of the game was "Metal Gear Solid V: Revengance". I woke up thinking 'what a stupid title' but now I think that would be a really awesome name to call something
Oh yeah, in other news: I've been accepted (back) into Uni! I sent off my application to enroll in Computer Graphic Design in the middle of March, along with a portfolio of sketches, and photos i'd taken, etc. It took until today- 3 weeks away from the start of the semester- to hear back from them. I sorted out my Student Loan so now all I have to do is hand in my notice at work. I'll miss the pay but with a 5 day a week course I wont be able to keep my current hours. Maybe a shift will open up in the weekends. IDK
I think that's all for now. I'm up to chapter 2 in Tactics. My party is made up of 4 physical units plus a white mage/chemist. My attackers have all mastered Knight and are all currently trying to get the last Jump abilities as Dragoons.
Thanks for reading, i'll see you guys around the forums.