It's over. Finished.
, 11-05-2012 at 11:46 PM (1077 Views)
So yeah at 12.30 today I finished my first year of university after writing my third and final exam. Of this year that is. In my course I'm bound to have at least 3 for each of the next two years. So essentially I have 18 hours of exams left until my course is over. But for now, it's over. Finished. Never has a Furmanism been more appropriate.
What am I saying here? I'm on freaking holiday! Just gotta find some way to spend my time....
I decided to seize the moment after the exam was over and went into town to do a bit of xmas shopping. It's too much effort to go all the way out there to shop and seeing as uni's like a 10 minute drive away it seemed like a good time to. It's been ages since I've been able to walk around shops at my own pace, I even spent half an hour looking through the comic book store only to come out with two single issues. I figured seeing as I was on my break I might as well take my time.
I chatted with the guy behind the counter at EB Games about Pokemon Black 2 (I beat the Elite 4 like 20 mins ago, i'll say more in the thread belonging to these games) and was then served the wrong order at McD's. Usually I wouldn't say anything but I had 40 minutes to kill before the bus left so I didn't mind the extra wait.
In other news I bought Final Fantasy II for the PSP last night. It's being shipped from Austrahlia so i'll probably get it some time next week. I figured I might as well start with a game I've been wanting to play for a while and II has intrigued me for quite some time now.
I saw Tekken 6 and Valkyrie Chronicles II (i think that one was recommended to me) In EB so there's no doubt I'll be getting them too when the time comes.
It so nice to be moderately up to date with gaming, I guess the next step will be to get a PS3 further down the line. I still need a PS2 to replace my broken one so let's just stick to getting the PSP for now. I'll probably get Final Fantasy I and WoL next as I'm pretty close to having 12 of the 13 main series titles and then i'll just sort of fill the gaps with whatever looks interesting. I feel like a kid who's been given free reign in a toy store, I guess I kinda am .
I guess that's all for now, I've kinda gone on a bit. Seeing as i'll probably have a bit more time to spare over the next while I'll hopefully be a bit more active around here. But before I go I want to put up a Transformers gif that I found funny. It's Ramjet headbutting a knight off a horse and I could just watch it over and over... I wanted to put it in my sig but it's too large a file to do so. Anyway here it is.
See you guys around the forums. Also where has Cyanosuke gone?![]()