Materia and Manga
, 12-04-2012 at 12:16 AM (1569 Views)
Those are the two things I've been up to recently. A couple weeks ago I had a big urge to read the original Pokemon Adventures manga so I managed to order the first three volumes from a comic book store in town.They had none in stock so they had to be shipped from the UK at $60 for the three of them. Again that's in New Zealand dollars, it's roughly the same amount in other currencies except for the GBP which is more or less. Haha it's been a while since I've sent anything there so I forget how the two currencies compare I'm no expert when It comes to that lot anyway.
Getting back on track now... They arrived on Monday and as my first real foray into manga I really enjoyed reading them. They stick to the games a lot closer than the anime does and as a big fan of the first games I liked it a lot. It's quite a bit darker than both the games and the anime as Pokemon are seen as either dying or being damaged quite badly. There's even an Arbok (a purple cobra) that gets cut in half before you realise it was a zombie and was already dead.
Each series of the games get three volumes and as I've read the Red, Blue and Green chapter, the next three are Yellow which coincidentally is the next game in the series. Doing a quick check on Bulbapedia shows that there are 43 volumes in total, and as I have the first three, there are 40 volumes left which comes to a total of $796. I think I'm going to have to buy them over a very long period of time, like 3 every six months or something.
I haven't progressed too far in Final Fantasy VII. Cid and Barret both have all their Limit Breaks, including their fourth ones, as they are the most straight forward to get. I also have Red XIII's and Yuffie's but as they haven't been in my party for a very long time they're still at their Level 1 Limits.
I've been to the Sunken Gelnika and emptied it of its treasures, defeated Diamond Weapon (it seemed a bit too easy...) and am now chasing Ultimate Weapon around the globe in order to beat it and obtain the Ultima Weapon for Cloud. While I'm at it I also have Yuffie's Conformer and Cid's Venus Gospel as well as his Scimitar which has only two slots but triple matria growth. I just have to go back and confront Hojo in Midgar and then I should be on to the 3rd and final disk. Honestly it feels like I've barely started the 2nd disk and already I'm nearly done with it.
So yeah a blog on Materia (kinda) and Manga. What you see is what you get, really. Thanks for reading and I'll see you guys around the forums at some point.