The Lunar Subterrane , everything you were told was true.
, 11-10-2012 at 04:16 PM (3139 Views)
That's what I think about it, anyway. I've never looked forward to making it through this dungeon, there's always a mini boss disguised as a regular encounter when you least want or expect it. If you haven't already guessed I've picked up where I left off on Final Fantasy IV on the DS from a few months ago and yes it's pretty much all I'm going to cover in this journal.
I've spent the past few days getting through the Giant of Babil and now I'm just leveling up on the first two floors of the Lunar Subterrane in order to be better prepared for what awaits me further down. The Four Fiends weren't too much trouble as they all fell to my tried and trusted "Protect, Shell, Slow" method.
Fusoya was a pain in a few ways. First off he joined the party at level 50, a good 15 levels below everyone else and to make matters worse, no matter how many levels he gains, his stats don't go up at all. At least Tella's went up every now and then, although they even when down a couple of times too. Also I forgot to give him an Augment before he left which meant I didn't get Omnicast. What makes Omnicast so useful is that it makes spells like Haste, Raise and Blink hit all characters instead of one, so I haven't made things very easy for myself further down the line. It'l have to wait until I get up to that part again on New Game+.
If you're interested, my character's levels and Augments look like this:
Cecil: Level 69
White Magic
Cover and Counter is a pretty basic yet potent combination. It means Cecil can take reduced physical damage for a ally in critical health and then hit back. Counter also means he may get a chance to attack twice in a row if he is hit before he attacks. White Magic makes him a rather basic back up healer and buffer as he only has access to Cure, Cura, Protect, Shell, Esuna and Raise at this point
Kain: Level 64
Last Stand
Kain was given whatever was left over that could still be useful. Attack and jump are the same as every other game and Analyze scans all opponents Hp and weaknesses, kind of like an upgraded Scan or Libra. Last Stand helps with the fact he is the lowest leveled party member by raising his defense while at low health.
Rosa: Level 68
White Magic
I haven't really changed much with Rosa, she always tends to be abducted when I get all the good ones. Whirlwind was useful early on but now it isn't so much. I'm about to go back and get her MP50% which is a much better choice for her. Eventually she'll also have Omnicast when I get back up to this stage on New Game+. Pray gives a boost to Hp and Mp when no-one is in need of healing.
Rydia: Level 68
Black Magic
Now that she's equipped with a Fire Whip she has a bit more use in battles where enemies counter or are resistant to magic. The 50% chance of Paralysis is always welcome too. Tsunami is similar to Whirlwind in that it used to be a good option but it isn't any more. I've got all summons except for Bomb and Goblin.
Edge: Level 66
Edge hasn't changed at all since I got him. Steal and Ninjustu are very useful if not particularly accurate or powerful and I'll most likely swap Throw for something better when the chance arises.
So that's pretty much everything I have to say for now. As usual the content in this journal is just the stuff I wanted to say, but saw no point in making a thread about it. If there's anything you would like to add or any improvements you think I could make let me know as there's much I have yet to learn.
Thanks for reading.