My faith in budget electronics has been shattered
, 11-20-2012 at 01:26 AM (1471 Views)
Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to mourn he passing of my ****ing PS2 memory card that contained the data and progress of every ****ing game that I've ever ****ing owned.
Now that i've vented a bit, i'll elaborate. I've been feeling pretty low lately, it's nothing serious, so I decided that the best medicine was beating the living **** out of someone on Tekken Tag Tournament and for the most part it actually worked. I remembered how much I loved this game and went to play it again only to find that all the characters I had unlocked, etc were missing. This didn't raise alarms at first as my memory card has always struggled a bit to load the files. But when I removed and re-inserted it (and blew on it for good measure) and clicked 'load game' I was shown the message "memory card not synchronized" or some other word that I've already forgotten. I checked that everything was alright with the Tag Tournament data on the memory card and when I opened up the browser I was shown the same message. I then asked if i wanted to synchronize it or whatever the word was and as the only option was yes, I selected it and it wiped all 16Gb of data on the card. *Phew* that was a lot of continuous blab I'm sorry if it looks a little rushed.
So basically I've lost all the data of all my ps2 games, including Final Fantasy X-2 which I'd only just started again last week! So here's a list of every game I've lost and cared about and why I'm so ****ed off.
Final Fantasy X - Gotten all the Aeons, half the Celestial Weapons fully powered, killed Dark Valefor and Ultima and Omega Weapon, all my Aeons and most of my characters could deal 9999 damage with both magic and attacking and had at least 100 in every stat but Luck.
Final Fantasy X-2 - As i mentioned before, I'd only just started on this one. I was up to chapter 2 and Yuna had nearly mastered Gunner, Rikku Thief and Paine Warrior. I also had the Gun Mage Dressphere and was on my way to getting Alchemist and Dark Knight.
Final Fantasy XII - I was about halfway through my first properly proper playthrough, doing all the sidequests and doing my Gambits, etc in a logical manner.
Kingdom Hearts - Pretty much completed this one 100% except for getting the Ultima Weapon. Was at least level 85.
Kingdom Hearts 2 - Was level 87, gotten Save the King + and Save the Queen + for Donald and Goofy as well as the Ultima Weapon, not to mention I'd synthesized at least 6 Ribbons. I'd maxed out all 5 Forms and was almost ready to beat Sephiroth.
Tekken 5 - Every character unlocked and most had been customized. Completed Devil Within on Easy, Medium and Hard mode.
And those are just the ones I'm mad that I've lost. I've been meaning to continue on with X and beat the rest of the Dark Aeons and Monster Arena. I can give it another good playthrough once I find my other unused memory card. I could always continue on with VII, that on a PS1 card so It's unaffected. I'm still pretty damn mad about it though.
Well I was going to make a blog about something else but I forgotten about most of what I wanted to say. I haven't been so active around here lately, I just haven't been in the mood to post. I'm not looking forward to getting my exam results as I don't know what I'll do if I've failed the year. And I'm not just saying that in a "omg i'm so gonna fail, the teacher totally hates me" kind of way I'm genualy worried about what's to come. Maths is my undoing, I've never been any good at it and It doesn't help that it makes up half of my course. Oh well, I can't do anything to change my results, I'm just going to have to see what happens and where to go to from there.
This hasn't been the happiest of blogs and I'm sorry If it's been a bit of a downer. Thanks for reading and hopefully I'll see you all around the forums.