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Kurt Zisa

I feel like I should say a little something.

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Well, yeah, I feel like it's time I posted something here.

I've decided that just giving up on uni isn't the right thing to do, I just wish i'd given it more thought a little sooner. As I didn't pass my maths papers, and didn't particularly enjoy programming, I've decided to try giving Computer Design a go. After all, I did best in my media, design and writing papers, so surely that's a sign I was aiming for the wrong industry?

The past few weeks I've been applying for jobs online, but starting tomorrow, I'm going to get myself out there and ask local places if they either have any jobs available (lol, who am I kidding) or at least if they have any application forms for me to fill out. At least I'll be getting my name down, should something open up.

My plan for the year looks like this: Find work (hopefully full time) for the next three or four months and then apply for Computer Design at either uni or polytechnic. Oh and save up for a goddamn 3DS along the way so I can get Pokemon Y when it comes out in October.

I think I'm good now, I've said what I needed to say.

See y'all around the forums.

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  1. Alpha's Avatar
    It would be difficult to find full time work for three or four months, as the business would probably be looking for someone they can keep for some time--someone they can train and reap tangible rewards from. Just keep that in mind. That's why finding 'relevant' summer work as a uni student is so difficult.
  2. Kurt Zisa's Avatar
    Yeah you're right there, I just wish I knew which direction to take. Part of me thinks it would be better to work for the year and give myself time to figure out what would be best in the long run, or if I should get back into uni ASAP and give it another shot. Either way I'll still have a loan to pay off lol.
  3. Alpha's Avatar
    I found what I like simply by being at uni. But that's not how it works for everyone. A lot of people take time off to work, or to travel, before committing to it. You have to find what's best for you.