Happy Xmas to me
, 10-02-2012 at 01:36 PM (1100 Views)
So I kinda bought myself a psp for Xmas. It was $140, which Is pretty damn cheap but seeing as they're fast going out of fashion with the new vita, I thought 'now's my chance' and snapped it up while it was still a bargain. The only reason I don't give in to my childish excitement and open it now is that I'm using it as a way to do well in the upcoming exams (they're like 3-4 weeks away *gulp*). If I pass them with flying colours then well done me and If I fail, well I've got a psp so nyaa.
I've never really liked psp's. The DS always seemed a lot nicer but now that I've got both, I can get all the older Final Fantasy's that have been eluding me! Dawn of Souls Is surprisingly hard to get and I can pretty much count out ever finding FFV on gameboy too. I can get The War of the Lions too along with KH Birth By Sleep. Maybe, I've gone off KH a bit these days. I always found it funny that I would be willing to get a $200 console just so I could play a $20 game.
So I'm working on another assignment today. It's for my Visual Computing class and we have to design a 4 page website that promotes a charity or non-profit organisation. It's got to include aspects of animation through Flash and interactivity through ActionScript and the mock up is due Friday. It's a good thing the computer labs are free this afternoon because I'm hoping to get it all done in one go and then hand it in tomorrow, a day early. That way I don't have anything huge to worry about, come Friday. There's just a couple of lectures in the afternoon and then that's me done for another week.
I can't believe I'm nearly done with my first year of Uni, it's all gone so fast. Looking forward to the 3 month break though. I just need to find a job doing the Xmas shift or something, there's a store a bit down the road that I'm going to apply for.
That's all for now, I hope to see you guys around the forums.