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Kurt Zisa

Happy Xmas to me

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So I kinda bought myself a psp for Xmas. It was $140, which Is pretty damn cheap but seeing as they're fast going out of fashion with the new vita, I thought 'now's my chance' and snapped it up while it was still a bargain. The only reason I don't give in to my childish excitement and open it now is that I'm using it as a way to do well in the upcoming exams (they're like 3-4 weeks away *gulp*). If I pass them with flying colours then well done me and If I fail, well I've got a psp so nyaa .

I've never really liked psp's. The DS always seemed a lot nicer but now that I've got both, I can get all the older Final Fantasy's that have been eluding me! Dawn of Souls Is surprisingly hard to get and I can pretty much count out ever finding FFV on gameboy too. I can get The War of the Lions too along with KH Birth By Sleep. Maybe, I've gone off KH a bit these days. I always found it funny that I would be willing to get a $200 console just so I could play a $20 game.

So I'm working on another assignment today. It's for my Visual Computing class and we have to design a 4 page website that promotes a charity or non-profit organisation. It's got to include aspects of animation through Flash and interactivity through ActionScript and the mock up is due Friday. It's a good thing the computer labs are free this afternoon because I'm hoping to get it all done in one go and then hand it in tomorrow, a day early. That way I don't have anything huge to worry about, come Friday. There's just a couple of lectures in the afternoon and then that's me done for another week.

I can't believe I'm nearly done with my first year of Uni, it's all gone so fast. Looking forward to the 3 month break though. I just need to find a job doing the Xmas shift or something, there's a store a bit down the road that I'm going to apply for.

That's all for now, I hope to see you guys around the forums.

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  1. LocoColt04's Avatar
    The PSP has a TON of great RPG content on it though, so you will definitely find things worth playing! And, as it's region-free, if you can't find something that was released internationally, search the States!
  2. Cyanist's Avatar
    Awesome! PSP rocks!
    Good luck with applying for that job!
  3. Unknown Entity's Avatar
    The PSP is quite a fun console, with LOADS of RPG games. If you need any recommendations from my small collection (mostly RPG, few puzzle, few action), hit me up a VM.
  4. Kurt Zisa's Avatar
    Haha thanks guys, it's about time I become a bit more up to date with gaming. I think a ps3 may be on the cards too at some point now that A. my ps2 is dead and B. I might have a job soon
  5. Xanatos's Avatar
    First of all, congrats for doing well on uni, I know how hard it can be sometimes, and I really do hope you get that job. As for PsP, even though you lean more towards RPGs I sugest you check out Peace Walker, by far the best game I played on PsP.