Man in the Mirror VIII: Back from the Dead
, 12-26-2012 at 02:58 PM (3569 Views)
So after the end of the world special i became immersed in a show on netflix. Heroes has become my drug as of late and between that and christmas and spending time with my girl and her family i couldnt find the time. Although i actually dont have a whole lot to say on account of all of done the past few days is hangout, meet a thousand people, christmas of coarse and watch that show.
I got a few decent gifts a brand new zippo and a double bladed knife for my collections. I probably wont get anything from my family back home on account of the fact i have been here over christmas and they have probably forgotten about me. Oh well its not a big deal.
I met about a thousand of her family members at her christmas parties and quite frankly i dont remember who any but maybe 2 or 3 of them are. Again oh well.
Really not a whole lot else to say.
But if anybody wants to have a topic discussed id love to discuss it for them.
Until tomorrow my good friends.