Man in the Mirror II
, 12-16-2012 at 11:28 PM (1575 Views)
Today was the day of my girlfriends shoot. She is a model btw. We went to some hotel in Chicago called the Hyatt. It was a whole day ordeal. In the morning we drove from her house in palatine which is a 45 minute drive to downtown Chicago. We got there an hour early and ended up having to rent a get a room. To stay in until the shoot and afterward. So during the shoot I took a little nap in the room. 147 dollars for the room and parking. I have never been to Chicago so when i woke up i went on a little adventure. I walked about 4 miles around the south side of chicago and didnt know what exactly to expect. Three major events happend the first occurring right after i started walking. A large black man was walking towards me and just giving me the look down. I expected the worst and all that happened was he asked to bum a square. So disaster avoided. Luckily. As i continued my journey i came across the couple who had also never been to chicago and they needed to use a phone. The man was blind and they were waiting for someone to pick them up sooooo i let them use my phone. also i helped a blind man to his home. Long story short i was pretty helpful today, made me feel good about myself after it was all said and done. We had already paid for the room the whole night so we decided to stay a little after the shoot. We went to check out and since it wasnt 3 a.m. yet we got a full refund since we were only there for half a day. Parking included. The drive home was longer then the drive there since there was a bears game today the roads were pretty packed. we got back to palatine and just relaxed.
now we are sitting watching rugrats in paris....
I wanna talk for a minute about the CT Shooting. I know there is a thread in Intellectual Discussion but now i talk about it.
So the story is if you havent heard. There was a man who apperently had a mental illness that stole his mothers gun and then killed 26 people 20 of them being elementary students and then turned the gun on himself. I have taken part in the thread in ID and there are a couple of things i wanna talk about with this.
The first thing is gun control. The conceal and carry law is an important to me in America. I believe that if the teachers would have been able to have a weapon on their person or somewhere around them, then i think that the damage and casualties from the shooter could have been prevented or at least minimized.
The second thing is the apparent disease that the man was diagnosed with. It is said that he was suffering from a split personality. I dont know much about this buut i do know that this can cause alot of suffering within somebodies brain. My brother actually believes that he suffers from the same thing while i thing not he believes it. As with all illnesses this there can most likely be many different types of for example: a man might "suffer" from this condition merely by talking to himself and holding entire conversations with oneself. On a more extreme level is 2 minds in one body that being that there is a control which is the original mind of the person then one day something snaps because of a strong emotion. This is commonly associated with anger and what people mean by "seeing red" or "blackout rage" were the individual preforms a certain action through rage and when he comes to he has no recollection. In my experience with this type of anger the individual almost always has a motive. What this mans motive for shooting up this school could have possibly been i have no idea. This doesnt seem like that kinda of case. Some people are just deranged and past that line where you cant come back with any type of help.
By any definition this is a tragedy and this is repetitive from one of my posts in ID but my heart is with the families that lost loved ones. Especially so close to the holiday season. My prayers sit with these families may god bless there soul.
On a lighter note its time you here a little bit about the new girl in my life. I will reveal just a little bit each day so you guys dont get bored reading so much about her because i could talk about her for days. I met her at school this past semester. October 11th was the date and for weeks i talked to her as she sat behind the desk each time swiping my ID so i could get into the building. I spent hours talking to her 3 at a time and then one day in november she decided that she wanted to go out with me and my best friend.
Thats all for today. be sure to comment or send me a PM if you would like me to discuss anything any and all topics. I know a little bit about just about everything and if i dont already it wont trouble me to research it a bit for you guys. so like always.
Until Tomorrow my Good Friends.