Man in the Mirror IV: She Beckons
, 12-18-2012 at 08:33 PM (6812 Views)
Since iv been In Chicago i have been NEGLECTING MY PLAYSTATION. She's angry with me but i played her quite a bit today so she's happy again. All is well
In other news yesterday was the first time i ever decorated a Christmas tree. I felt like an intruder on this wonderful families special family moments. Christmas is a big deal to my girlfriend and her family. When she invited me i didn't hesitate to say yes but then i realize that i was going to be staying the whole break and going to be here over Christmas.
So they had me help them decorate their tree and it seemed like a very foreign concept to me. Whats the point of hanging all of these ornaments on a fake pine tree? Is it just an old tradition? If so what makes hanging ornaments on a fake pine tree part of Jesus' birthday? Whatever the case may be i felt akward and it made me feel like an intruder on this process of theirs. Weather or not i understand the meaning of the decoration of the Christmas tree i would never patronize a family that takes it so close to the heart. The point is i felt unwelcome. But its done and over with now.
I also got to hang out with her twin brother and a couple of his friends. I seem to be adjusting well and quickly to this family, much more quickly then any other family i have ever met. So with that aspect of things everything is well.
Not a whole lot more going on today im actually spending alot of time with the father and he seems to be warming up to me very well the mom on the other hand is a more difficult story but i have a plan to change her outlook on things so we will see how that turns out.
so let me tell you a little bit more about her. We are actually a model couple meaning that we do shots together she was the one that got me into the modeling business and she has become very successful in that field. Actually she recently got a 5000 dollar shoot so everything is going well to say the least. She is very small and the most beautiful being on the planet. Just being in the same room as this girl will give anyone a reason to be happy.
Well thats enough for today, any topics that anyone would like to have discussed im all ears PM, Comment, whatever you please. Other then like always,
Until tomorrow my good friends.