Man in the Mirror I
, 12-16-2012 at 12:13 AM (927 Views)
Okay so i don't have the link to my previous journal "not your average kid from the midwest" at the moment buut. . . ill be sure to post it with one of my posts in the following days
Anyway lets get down to brass tax here. . its been awhile again so its time to fill you guys in on what's been going on since April. Long time i know but here goes nothing. First things first, everyone remember Michaela? Well a few months after the star incident i moved and started going to college and we eventually drifted apart and mutually ended our relationship to save our friendship. In the end it worked out and we saved our friendship. But most of my days between April and august were a lot of the same ill i did was deliver pizza and play video games. Nothing wrong with that. In June i went to annual training which was only a two week ordeal were we built a low water crossing for the town. There was a girl i met just before who is obviously not very important i can't remember who she is. We talked for a few weeks and hung out a couple times but nothin serious. Me and my best friend took a few road trips over the summer to visit families and then started school at SIU Carbondale in august. The first two weeks of the semester were really easy. So easy that i decided to get lazy i ended up failing 2 classes but it was a wake up call thats for sure next semester is going to be a lot different. My best friend who was also my roommate this past semester is now transferring schools and going to a school near his house which he shares with his brother. But now that we have covered the boring stuff time for the fun part .
The next section of this once you read i want opinions so PM me what you think of the situation at hand here.
In the beginning of October right after my birthday i met a girl. She goes to school we me and lives in my building. She works at the front desk and lives four floors down from me so i see her on a pretty regular basis. When this started she had a boyfriend back home to be fair i couldn't control how attracted we would become to each other. I talked to her when she worked and every time i got a pizza she got my pepper out of the box. I went down there quite a bit after she told me her work schedule and could have had a job myself their basically. Then came the four days before Thanksgiving break. The first might we all went out to a bar and ended up turning in early and just getting drunk and watching star wars and it was obvious to everyone around that we were attracted to each other. The next night me and coire went to hang out with her and her roommate at a party another great night with her lots of laughs and almost kisses but she never cheated on her boyfriend. That night was very accident oriented lot of minor injuries between the four of us. The next day was a bum day but we just spent the day together watching tv and movies and just enjoying each others company. Same thing the next day and i really didn't wanna leave especially when she was telling me she didn't want me to go. Over the past 4 days our feelings grew strong and quickly for each other. She told me she wanted to be with me but there is no way that could happen because of her boyfriend. I pretended to understand but of coarse i was upset. She talked to her parents when she went home for break and they convinced her that the should break up with her current boyfriend and move on to bigger and better things. When she got back and told me i was awestruck and speechless and then she asked to try something we shared a first kiss and we have been together since then so only a little less then a month. She has met my family iv met hers. The catch is her parents invited me to stay an entire month at her house and spend Christmas with them along with the rest of the holiday season. Now i have been here 2 days and things seem to be going smoothly so far.
People tell us we are moving to fast while both of us being adults and knowing how to take care of ourselves say no one of the happiest couples i know zero married with a kid on the way by my age. The have been together close to 30 years so i want your honest opinion about this situation.
As always of coarse any discussion topics are always open give me a topic and ill spend a day talking about it for everyone.
Expect my posts to be much more frequent over the next month and feel free to PM me with any requests, comments, questions, concerns and/or and this is a big one opinions on todays post!
As always, Until tomorrow my good friends (forgive typos and grammatical errors, sending from my android.)