The Valkyrie. Chapter 5: A Girl in Love! Can Leon Overcome His Fear?
, 11-18-2012 at 11:51 AM (1326 Views)
I wanted to dedicate this chapter (and the new Duelist) to one of the greatest people who ever lived. She lived a miserable life and died a tragic death. She was a past relationship of mine that ended in her passing away.
My lovely Riddel, this one's for you, oh sweet Melody Weaver.....
The Characters (So far)
Name: Sarah Anderson
Age: 20
Hair: Black
Eye color: Brown
Nationality: Swedish (by mother's side)/Australian (by father's side)
Outfit: Dresses conservatively, usually seen in a green T-shirt with a long-sleeved plain white shirt underneath, and blue jeans.
Signature Deck: Nordic
Signature card: Valkyrie of the Nordic Ascendant
Bio: A young girl chosen by the Valkyrie to prevent the dreaded war of Ragnarok, with the fear started by the ill omen of real Duel Monsters appearing in the halls of Valhalla. Her love for dueling is surpassed only by her love for her family.
Name: Leon Nyström
Age: 14
Hair: Blond
Eye color: Blue
Nationality: Swedish
Outfit: Mostly rags, wearing a red shirt and khaki shorts.
Signature Deck: Spirit
Signature card: Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi
Bio: Sarah's younger cousin and best companion. Being somewhat familiar with the rules of Dueling, he loses his Deck when Cliff Taylor and his group of thugs tear it up. Despite this, his resolve to be a better player hasn't wavered, and waits patiently while Mr. Phoenix prepares a Deck for him.
Name: Roger Phoenix
Age: 17
Hair: Red
Eye Color: Olive green
Nationality: American
Outfit: Red and blue t-shirt with black jeans.
Signature Deck: WIND/DARK Anti-Spell Fragrance Deck
Signature Card: Dark Simorgh
Bio: A boy Leon and Sarah just met, and the son of a shop owner, much to the children's fortune. With the help of his father, he managed to nearly finish his lockdown Deck. The final piece, Dark Simorgh, was sold to him at a price he could afford.
Name: Mr. Phoenix
Age: 43
Hair: Balding gray hair.
Eye color: Brown
Nationality: American
Outfit: Usual shop clerk attire, complete with apron.
Signature Deck: Guardian
Signature Card: Guardian Eatos
Bio: Roger's father and a shop owner. Despite his age, he seems to have a passion for games, hinted by the nature of his shop. His merchandise was cheated out of him in a Duel he nearly won, but thankfully the culprit was stopped by Sarah, and to pay her with gratitude he's decided to give Sarah and Leon some rare cards. His Guardian Deck appears to be special to him, and seems to know more about the cards than he lets on.
Name: Angel
Age: 23
Hair: Short gray hair
Eye color: Blue
Nationality: Canadian
Outfit: Entirely blue attire, including shirt and jeans. Wears a set of fake wings on his back.
Signature Deck: Agents
Signature Card: Master Hyperion
Bio: A man with a fine taste in beauty, and nothing usually stops him from flirting with other women. He acts gentlemanly, but his goals tend to change at times. While he can be quite humble when he wants to be, that could also be part of his charm.
Chapter Five: A Girl in Love! Can Leon Overcome His Fear?
It's been three days since that night. I had that dream where I was instantly chosen to prevent the battle of Ragnarok. Norse Mythology mentions it as a period of apocalyptic proportions and a herald to a new world. Someone wants to make that happen. But who?
And from this I gained some things. For starters, I have a new friend. An inhabitant of the Duel Monsters world. The Valkyrie. She can be naive, and is quite oblivious of the customs of this world. Like the importance of privacy in the bathroom, or even public transportation. But having a friend who can help me in this mission can relieve some of the stress I'm feeling.
In the morning at the shop, Mr. Phoenix hands over Leon's new Deck. The youngster couldn't keep his excitement, and shouts in glee.
Leon: Oh, yeah! The Spirit master is back!!!
Mr. Phoenix: Just be careful where you keep them this time, okay?
Leon: Will do! Thank you so much, sir!
Roger: So Leon, what time do you plan on coming back?
Leon: How does 7 sound?
Mr. Phoenix: Sounds splendid.
The shop owner, Mr. Phoenix, heard our story after my duel with Angel. He felt bad for Leon, and decided to let him live with them. He has to help around in the shop, but Leon doesn't mind.
Leon: I wanna spend as much time with Sarah as I can. Today's one of those days that she just wants to hang out.
Mr. Phoenix: Enjoy your day, kiddo. And let her know what you got there in your new pouch.
Leon: -running off- I sure will!!!
We fast forward later in the afternoon. Leon and Sarah had just left the park, and both had milkshakes on their hands.
Sarah: Everything okay, Leon?
Leon: Yeah. I had a great time today.
Sarah: I can see that. It's the first time I see you out of those rags. Mr. Phoenix is treating you good.
Leon: It wouldn't be this way without you, Sarah. If you didn't come to my rescue that night...
Sarah: Don't worry so much about it, okay? What happens, happens. It really doesn't bother me that you went after those thugs like that.
Leon: Really?
Sarah: Yeah. Besides, that Cliff guy had it coming. He-
???: -out of nowhere- Hey, it's her!
Leon and Sarah look behind them, and spot two men approaching them. Sarah then recognizes them as the henchmen Cliff had following him around.
Valkyrie: -as she appears- Run! They seek revenge! I can sense it.
Sarah: Leon, we have to go!
Henchman A: Hold on there! Where do ya think yer going?
Sarah: Leave us alone, okay?! We have nothing to do with you guys anymore!
Henchman B: Oh yeah? It's your fault the boss won't get out of bed!
Sarah: Huh? What happened?
Henchman A: What else, girlie? He's been down in the dumps ever since you beat him.
Sarah: It was just a game.
Henchman B: Just a game? The boss spent so much time building a Dark World deck!! Can ya imagine how he felt when you humiliated him by having that GOAT attack him?
Henchman A: The people are laughing at us because of you!! What's worse, the boss hasn't stopped losing since then!
Leon stepped up and prepared to say something, but Sarah extends her left arm in front of him.
Sarah: He had it coming. You guys deserved it after what you did to Leon here. In fact, I think losing like that was too good for him!
Henchman A: You're coming with us! We have some unsettled business, ya know?!
The henchmen pull out their knives from their holsters. Thinking quickly, Sarah tosses her milkshake at one of them, hitting him in the eyes.
Sarah: Leon, run!!!
Grabbing her cousin by the hand, Sarah makes a run for it.
Henchman B: Little twerp got me in the eyes!
Henchman A: She's getting away! After her, you moron!!!
The duo had a great head start, but unfortunately for them the thugs still had them in their sights. It wasn't until they reached some traffic lights that they realized they had nowhere to run. The traffic was a little heavy to cross aimlessly, and no pedestrians were in sight to protect them.
Sarah: Darn it, a dead end!
Leon: Sarah!
Sarah: It's okay, Leon! Stay behind me, okay?
But just then, much to their fortune, a limousine pulls up close to them. From the rear window a set of eyes glowed, intimidating our heroes a little.
???: Come with me if you want to live.
Sarah: That is so cliche. -opens the door- It doesn't matter! We'll take it! -shoves Leon inside-
Once both were inside, the limo drives away just in time. The two thugs, out of desperation, begin tossing bricks at the vehicle, but then run away once the police spot them.
Inside the limo, Sarah had started wondering what she got themselves into. Had they really ran away from danger? Or had they stumbled into something worse?
On the seat in front of them sat a Wearing a tuxedo and apparently aging, the duo would guess that he worked for someone rich.
???: I didn't mean to scare you, children. My name is James, and I serve a prestigious family.
The windows inside the limo then lower, all the way to the driver's seat. A much younger man could be seen, but was far enough away that he had to use a walkie.
???: No need to be afraid of us, kids. James can be a little uptight, but he's a good man. Besides, I'm here to help ya, too. Name's John, Blackwing Extraordinaire!!
James: Excuse the rude fellow, but he never takes his job seriously.
Sarah: -calms down- Where are you taking us?
James: Ah, yes. You see, the madam has requested for me to take you to the mansion.
Sarah: "The madam"?
Leon: A mansion?!
James: A fair lady, I might add. And she claims to know the young man here.
Sarah: -nudging Leon- Hey, Leon. You never mentioned you had some friends.
Leon: I-I don't. No one really wanted to play with me....
James: It was very difficult to locate you. The madam mentioned you usually wear rags. She even took this picture.
Pulling out the picture, the butler hands it over to the duo. It had Leon sleeping on a park bench, while he was still homeless.
Leon: This girl hardly knows me at all.
James: Then it seems, like always, she's been having trouble making friends. She does want to meet you. And I assume your lady companion is also coming?
Sarah: You bet I am. I can't let Leon go alone to some stranger's house, no matter how rich they are.
James: Very well. I'm sure she would not mind.
Valkyrie: -taking her seat next to Sarah- That was quite a perilous situation. Had they taken your life....
Sarah: -whispers- What are you doing here?!
Valkyrie: I sense a powerful monster nearby.
Sarah: Really?
Valkyrie: Yes. It doesn't exhibit great power on its own, but the magic feels greater than anything I have felt during my time here. You must tread lightly. -stares up ahead- I'm also concerned about the engineer operating this mechanical chariot.
Sarah: You mean the driver?
Leon: Hey, Sarah. What about the driver?
Sarah: -flustered- W-what?
Leon: I heard you talking to yourself, there. I was getting scared....
Sarah: Don't you worry, everything's fine.
Moments later, the limo drives up to a great gate, which opens immediately. Beyond it a great mansion could be seen, and once they were in front of it the limo stopped. Sarah and Leon step outside, while James follows moments later. John drives away with the limo.
James: Would you like a tour of this mansion?
Sarah: No, thank you. Where is this girl that wants to see Leon so much? And where are the parents?
James: This way, please.
James takes the duo inside the mansion, while Sarah checks their surroundings. Leon was just amazed that someone with a wealthy lifestyle wants to see him at all.
James: Lady Riddel, the guests are here.
Sarah: -holding Leon's hand- Stay with me, okay?
Leon: -sigh- I'm not a kid anymore, you know.
James: I'm sorry. It appears the lady is having trouble coming out. -louder voice- Oh, Miss Riddel!
Finally, behind the curtains leading to the next room, a fraction of a head nervously pops up. Once Leon turns his attention here, the head quickly hides back behind the curtains.
???: -from behind the curtains- James, w-who's the girl holding hands with our guest?!
James: She appears to be in charge of the boy's care, m'lady.
???: I-is that so? Hm. Very well. Have both of them meet me in the back.
James: Of course. -turns to Sarah- It appears-
Sarah: We heard the lady. Just lead the way.
James: Right this way, then. -walks away-
Valkyrie: -appears yet again- Can you feel it? The power from before is growing stronger.
Sarah: -whispers- It is?
Valkyrie: There is no doubt about it. A strong monster has taken residence here.
Sarah: Please keep an eye out for it. I have a feeling this girl didn't invite us out of the kindness of her heart.
And minutes later, the group arrives at a massive yard. A large patio, covered with nothing but pure, green grass. James leaves, looking back on the guests as he did so.
Leon: Hey, Sarah. I got a question.
Sarah: What's up?
Leon: You remember when Mr. Phoenix told us about real Duel Monster spirits living inside the cards? Call me crazy, but....I believe him.
Sarah: I don't think that's crazy, Leon. I feel the same way.
Leon: Really? Why?
Sarah: I think they have a purpose here, like to protect the people of this world or something. Sure, you got your bad ones, but maybe we are worth protecting.
Leon: ...
Sarah: And that night, where we bumped into Cliff....I felt like they helped me win. Like they didn't want me to lose. -looks down- I don't normally win against Dark World players, no matter how good I get. You saw how many times I lost against people like that, remember?
Leon: Yeah, but you're getting better! Maybe later we can have a friendly duel or something.
Sarah: A duel? But-
Leon: Mr. Phoenix already finished my deck! Check it out!
And from out of his new pouch, Leon grabbed his new Deck and showed it to Sarah. Overwhelmed by the kindness out of the shopkeeper's heart, Sarah couldn't help but shed a tear.
Leon: What's wrong, cuz? Why are you crying?
Sarah: It's was my fault you needed one in the first place. If I hadn't passed out during the duel....
Leon: It was those jerks that tore up my old Deck, Sarah! Please don't beat yourself up. Remember when you told me there's always gonna be some bad people in this world? I believe that!!
???: -as she approaches the duo- I-I'm sorry, but is this a bad time?
Leon and Sarah spot a girl, perhaps around Roger's age. She wore a green beret, a green blouse and skirt. She had short blond hair, dyed in brown at the tips, and blue eyes.
Sarah: That must be her!
???: -blushing- I'm sorry to startle you,'re Leon, right?
Leon: Uh, yeah. You invited me here, right?
???; Oh, I'm sorry. I-I'm being rude. I'm Riddel.
Sarah: I'm Sarah.
Leon: And you know me, apparently.
Riddel: I welcome you both to my mansion. Father and mother are not here at the moment, so James has been kind enough to move in here and care for me. Why, it is thanks to him that you're here now.
Sarah: I'm glad you're trying to make friends, but shouldn't you just ask people up front instead of just-
Riddel: -anger cross- Oh, that reminds me. I baked something for you, Sarah. That would explain my tardiness, and I truly apologize.
Riddel searches the inside of a plastic bag she had brought, and reveals a loaf of banana nut bread.
Sarah: ! Riddel....I love banana nut bread! Thank you so much!
Valkyrie: -as her spirit pops up- I have a bad feeling about this. Don't eat it!
Sarah didn't hesitate and grabbed the loaf of bread. Despite the Valkyrie's objection, Sarah ate and ate until not even a crumb was left.
Leon: Hey, where's mine share, cuz?!
Sarah: I'm sorry, Leon. You know I'm a sucker for bread.
Riddel: -chuckles- Oh, I did forget to mention. I added a little secret ingredient.
Leon: What is it?
And just then, Sarah began to feel a great pain in her stomach. So much that she immediately collapsed to the ground, writhing in pain.
Leon: Sarah!
Riddel: It's a special ingredient I added myself. -chuckles- She has one hour to hold back the pain, and if she doesn't get the antidote in time...she'll die!
Leon: What?! Then gimme the antidote!
Riddel: No way! First, you'll have to beat me in a Duel!
Leon: Are you serious?! My cousin's in danger here!
Riddel: -snaps her fingers- I'm afraid you don't have a choice.
And just moments later, James and John arrive at the scene, and help Sarah get up.
Riddel: -walks away- Let James and John take you to the Duel room. And don't try anything funny.
Sarah: James! You're supposed to take care of her! Is it really that hard?!
John: I'm sorry, but bear with us. We're only doing what she's says. It's not like we want to.
James: You must excuse her, please! She has never acted like this before!
Leon: Well, I'm gonna stop her! Believe me!
Sarah: Leon, wait! -rummages her pouch- Take this!
Leon: -grabs the cards Sarah handed to him- Huh?! Guldfaxe and Thor?!
Sarah: That's right. If anything happens, I want you to keep them! But try to win, Leon!
Leon: Will do, cuz!
It took about 5 minutes for Leon to reach the Duel room. Awaiting on a Duel platform like the one in the Duelist Kingdom arc in the original anime series of Yu-Gi-Oh!, Riddel signals for Leon to board the other side. James and John stand by the exit doors to prevent Sarah from escaping.
Valkyrie: I told you not to consume that loaf of bread.
Sarah: I'm sorry. I didn't know what her true intentions were.
Valkyrie: If you perish, I must serve your next of kin. And I assume you have not had any children yet.
Sarah: Why would you even say that?! I'm too young for that!
Valkyrie: Not according to your human customs. You are at a suitable age.
Sarah: Just shut up, okay?! I can't believe you asked that.
Valkyrie: I am more concerned on who to serve next, should you die from your own folly. Your cousin is perhaps the next and last in line. And he is too young too carry out this mission.
Sarah: I just hope Leon learned enough to stand a chance.
Riddel: Oh, Leon! You came!
Leon: I'm doing this for Sarah, you know!! I can't let her die.
Riddel: Oh, poo. Is she really the only person in your mind?
Leon: You wouldn't understand us if you didn't even try to!
Riddel: Hm. Since you're going to think about her, I might as well give you the stipulations. If you win, I'll give you the antidote. -rolls her eyes- And if I win?
Leon: I don't have anything.
Riddel: Well, then allow me to choose what I want. -giggles- You'll remain here with me, forever!
Leon: What?!
Riddel: You're very ignorant to other people's feelings, huh? Well, I'll make you understand once your cousin dies! So prepare to Duuuuuuuu....el me!!
Leon: Fine! Then I'll duel ya and beat ya!!
-The Duel!-
LP: 8000
Cards in hand: 5
LP: 8000
Cards in hand: 6
Riddel: I hope you don't mind me going first, Leon.
Leon: Pssh. Fine by me.
Riddel: Oh, goodie. I'll just lay this monster, face down. -as she does so- Yooour turn!
Riddel's hand: 6 --> 5
Leon: Fine! Here I come!
Leon's hand: 5 --> 6
Leon: I'm not gonna waste my time! I summon Susa Soldier, in Attack Mode!!
Laying the card down, Leon witnesses the materialization of his Susa Soldier, intimidating him quite a bit.
Susa Soldier
Level 4
ATK 2000/DEF 1600
Leon's hand: 6 --> 5
Riddel: Oh, my love. This is where I activate the ability of my Naturia Cosmobeet! If you summon a monster, I can summon Cosmobeet as well!
Naturia Cosmobeet
Level 2 Tuner
ATK 1000/DEF 700
Riddel's hand: 5 --> 4
Leon: What is that thing?
Riddel: Oh, you be nice now! Cosmobeet is one of the cutest things you'll ever see! Besides, he'll make you cry!
Valkyrie: -gasps- Oh, no!
Sarah: What is it?!
Valkyrie: No wonder the magic is so great here. She's using a Naturia deck!
Sarah: Naturia?
Valkyrie: A powerful deck that focuses on locking down Spells and Traps! Your cousin must stop her before she finishes forming the lock! It's already begun!
Sarah: What?! Leon!!!!
The end of this chapter is near. Susa Soldier looked at Naturia Cosmobeet. Riddel had her eyes locked upon Leon. And for a moment, Leon believed he spotted the number 50 flash up on Riddel's beret for a moment. It's going to be a long Duel, he thought.
To be continued!
Guess That Card!
Winged Beast/Synchro/Effect
Level 7
This card cannot be destroyed by battle, and you take no Battle Damage from battles involving this card. If this card attacks a monster, you can place 1 Wedge Counter on that monster at the end of the Damage Step (max. 1). You can remove all Wedge Counters from your opponent's monsters to reduce the ATK and DEF of each monster that had a Wedge Counter to 0, until the End Phase.