Shifting from the Six Incarnations to the Heart of Scorpio
, 11-30-2012 at 11:27 AM (1091 Views)
Hiya, guys. As you can tell, I keep changing my avatar and sig, so I apologize if you have trouble finding me. ._. But it's still me, good old Leon. Saint Seiya fanboy. Still alive. Your assassins have failed ;p My obsession with Virgo Shaka has dwindled, so now my sig and avi are dedicated to Scorpio Milo. I wouldn't make fun of that guy's fingernail. It's more than just for show!
For starters I want to say a few random things about life in general. Ever since $500 million was announced as the jackpot for PowerBall (that apparently nobody won) I started thinking how easy life would be when you're rich. Sure, there are people out there who could live without a couple of million. I see money as a necessary evil. People need it, but greed is never far behind. Yet it can make so many lives easier.
What would I do with that much if I ever won it? Quit my current job for starters. Go back to school to study and get a career out of either astronomy or cooking. Or a combination of both. My life would certainly be easier with so many millions to spend (once taxes are cut and all). But one thing I want to do, whether I'm rich or poor, I'll still be the same old me. But eh. I don't want to say how "good" I'll be if it's not even going to happen. At least I see it that way.
But yeah, I love food if you couldn't gather that by my career preferences. I want to learn how to cook and improve myself. One reason I want to get better at cooking is because I want to cover all my bases as far as love is concerned. My soulmate may not know how to cook for all I know, and I wouldn't want that to be a problem. To be honest, I don't see a problem with me assuming the role that usually belongs to a housewife. xD I wouldn't mind cooking and cleaning for my loved ones, once I get better at it anyway. What can I say? While I can be assertive and get down to business when I need to be serious, I could be a sweet, submissive guy. Depends on the person I end up with. But if I do need to serve as more of a "manly" father figure, I'd pull out the apron only for a barbeque once kids come into the picture.
As Christmas approaches, I just learned that our holiday bonus at work won't be a lot, but hey it's something. My eyes are still set on a PS3, and so far my want-to-play list has grown a little. White Knight Chronicles 2, as I mentioned before. Then there's that Sega Collection. And a new addition to my list is PlayStation All-Stars. I can already see myself pwning everyone else with either Jak or Ratchet. It'll be fun.
Lastly, I want to point out that the girl I keep mentioning still hasn't shown up. *sigh* Maybe she wasn't the one. The problem with me is that I get infatuated way too easily and yet lack the backbone to ask one out. I only get the courage to do it once I've known that person long enough, but it's usually at that time where I find out they're taken or not interested. ._. But maybe someday! I still have hope for the future. The good news is that I find myself less attached to my ex as the days go by. We could go days without talking to each other and I still would feel okay. So I feel better than usual. And I owe that to a lot of people, but there's one person in particular who's helped me a lot just by listening and making me feel better. You know who you are, and if you're reading this, thank you so much. I don't think I'll ever be able to thank you enough,
Have a blessed day, everyone. You are all great.