The Valkyrie. Chapter 4: Fairy Madness, Part 2.
, 11-12-2012 at 07:58 AM (1403 Views)
Chapter Four: Fairy Madness, Part 2
Guess That Card Answer:
The crowd cheered on as Angel made his move. He's a star. At least I thought he was by the way people followed him. Everything he did left people impressed. To him, this was a way to impress not only them, but also me. And to was a step closer to avoid the dreaded battle of Ragnarok.
The chapter began with more people rushing to see the Duel between Angel and Sarah. Angel had summoned a total of four monsters in one turn, two of them which had remained on the field. Sarah had played defensively, getting two Tokens at the price of her Tanngrisnir. Angel had just ended his turn, so now it was time for Sarah to make her move.
Angel's LP: 7000
Gachi Gachi Gantetsu
Rank 2
ATK 500 --> 900/DEF 1800 --> 2200
Overlay Units: 2
The Agent of Creation - Venus
Level 3
ATK 1600 --> 2000/DEF 0 --> 400
Sarah's LP: 8000
Nordic Beast Tokens (x2)
Level 3
Angel's confidence was growing quickly. Roger knew he was one of the best Duelists he's ever met, so Sarah would have a hard time with him if she wasn't careful. "So, my flower. Ready to give up yet? My monster can overpower your pitiful animals, so I'll give you a head start and let you decide where we'll spend our date." A common strategy for Agents was to receive a boost from the Gachi Gachi Gantetsu Xyz Monster. So far n this Duel, Angel had only lost 1000 Life Points, but that small price had sure paid off. He was forcing Sarah to come up with a defensive strategy for her next turn.
Just like before, the Nordic Duelist was quick to shoot down Angel's advances. "The only date you'll be spending with your adoring fans. I draw!" She had six cards on her hand now. King Tiger Wanghu, Gleipnir, the Fetters of Fenrir, Mara of the Nordic Alfar, Nordic Relic Laevateinn, Mystical Space Typhoon, and the card she just drew.
Roger felt uneasy by the way things were looking. Despite his father being the one that invited Sarah and Leon to his shop, Roger felt he was responsible as well. Angel was his rival, after all. It would have been better for him to just risk humiliation and duel Angel himself if he had known what Sarah was going to do. He would have stood a much better chance than ever before now that his dream Deck was finally completed. He knew Angel would be a gentleman, sure, but it was his flattery that would often come on too strong and get him in trouble. Roger didn't want Sarah, the girl that helped him out earlier in the day, to go through that.
He turns to his father, wondering if Sarah stood a chance. "If she needs to summon the Aesir fast, what does she need, Pop?"
"She's going to need either Vanadis or Guldfaxe. With either one of them, she'll be able to turn the match around. That is, she'll have that chance until her Tokens are gone." Mr. Phoenix was just as hopeful as Roger that Sarah would turn the match around. Things didn't look good for her already despite it being her second turn, but what he really wanted to see was any one of the Aesir to materialize in front of him.
At this point Sarah had looked at the card she just drew. With a smile on her face, she knew she wasn't going down so easily. "Say goodbye to your stone statue! I'll sacrifice both of my order to summon Behemoth the King of All Animals!!"
An enormous, pink-skinned beast then makes its entrance, scaring some of the children in the audience. He absorbs the Tokens that were used as sacrifices, and began to grow even more. It was, of course, part of his effect. Behemoth can also be summoned with one sacrifice, but it would have kept the beast's ATK power at just 2000, just enough to tie with Venus. But since Sarah used both Tokens as her sacrifice, Behemoth received a boost in power that puts him as the strongest monster currently on the field.
Behemoth the King of All Animals
Level 7
ATK 2700/DEF 1500
Angel looked at the monster that would spell his doom. He was more unconcerned than he was surprised, but he did wonder one thing. He turned to Sarah, taking his eyes away from the monster. "How could you have such a strong monster in your Deck?!"
"You underestimate my love for animals, Angel." Sarah began. "Didn't you know they have some powerful monsters? My Behemoth is here to reinforce the power of my beasts!"
"To make up for the Nordics' lack of strength, I see." Angel began to understand why such an odd monster would be in a Nordic deck. He knew now not to expect a typical strategy from the Nordic girl, so he smiled at her. He was only beginning. "Heh. Then let's see who's stronger!"
On the sidelines, Leon and Roger were relieved to see Sarah was going to last longer than they all expected. Leon, in particular, had never doubted her. "Alright, Sarah! Nice one!"
"What do ya say now, Pop? Does she stand a chance?" Roger asked with a smile.
His dad, however, looked disappointed that Sarah had missed an opportunity to summon the Aesir this turn. Nevetheless, Mr. Phoenix was impressed that Sarah at least had a way to reverse the situation. "I admit it was a good use for Tanngrisnir's tokens, but she should have protected them until she had Guldfaxe in her hand. Just watch and you'll see what I mean, boys."
The giant Behemoth already had its eyes set on Angel's monsters, and it was up to Sarah to make the decision for him. "Now, Behemoth! Destroy his hunk-o'-rock!" Behemoth, despite his huge size, ran quickly towards Gachi Gachi. Gachi Gachi stands up and blocks the punch Behemoth threw at him, to everyone's surprise. "What's this?!"
"You think such a good defense would come with no protection?" Sorry to disappoint you, my flower, but I can use one of Gachi's Overlay units to prevent him from being destroyed!
Once the Overlay unit was detached, Gachi Gachi Gantetsu was able to push back the massive Behemoth. Mr. Phoenix slowly shakes his head, as if he knew the outcome. "With Thor on the field, this wouldn't have been a problem."
"What do you mean, sir?" Leon inquired, curious how the Aesir could have made a difference.
"Thor has the special ability to negate the special effects of his opponents. It's powerful against effects that protect a monster from being destroyed." Mr. Phoenix then turns his attention back at the Duel. He knew Sarah wasn't going to defeat Angel by hack-and-slash moves. She was going to have to come up with a great strategy and hope for some luck in order to get around Angel's new monster.
Roger nods in agreement with father's statement. The man's knowledge of Duel Monsters was vast and impressive. "No wonder you didn't look so impressed, Pop."
Mr. Phoenix stares attentively at Sarah, who was wiping the sweat off her forehead. Gachi Gachi Gantetsu wasn't going down soon, and she has just ended her Battle Phase. Angel would begin his turn soon. "The girl still has plenty to learn, just like you, Roger."
Angel turned to his cheering fans and spreads his wings. He was able to make a majestic spin, and despite the wings themselves being fake they stretched beautifully and visibly thanks to the street lights. He turns to his opponent, still infatuated with her. Luck was on his side, and he wasn't going down soon. "Don't look so sad, Sarah. Look on the bright side; at least Gachi's boost isn't so hot now." The Duelists then look at the new stat change. Thanks to Gachi Gachi Gantetsu losing an Overlay unit, his monsters were weakened. "You could have gone for my Venus, though. What made you think attacking my Xyz Monster would do you any good?"
Gachi Gachi Gantetsu
Rank 2
ATK 500 --> 700/DEF 1800 --> 2000
Overlay Units: 1
The Agent of Creation - Venus
Level 3
ATK 1600 --> 1800/DEF 0 --> 200
"Your monsters get weaker whenever he detaches his Overlay units, and my Behemoth remains strong!" Sarah snaps back as she makes her only move during the second Main Phase of her turn. "One card, face-down! That's all I can do." She Sets her card down, and waits for Angel to draw.
"Is it my turn already? I draw, then!" Angel makes his draw, and while he apparently drew nothing useful at that moment he didn't look so concerned. "Meh, you got lucky this around. I end my turn."
"If you're going easy on me..." Sarah quickly makes her draw. Angel's attitude was getting on her nerves. She was being looked down upon, and that was just a form of disrespect for her. "You'll regret it!" She looks at the card she drew; a Monster card of a black goat.
"You drew Tanngnjostr." The Valkyrie pointed out. "He may be useful."
"You think so?"
"Yes. As you may have noticed, he's an Effect monster. He has a hidden power that carries the potential of summoning an Aesir. It would be best if you left him in your hand for now."
Sarah would nod in agreement and thus couldn't agree anymore with the Valkyrie. "Got it." She then turns to Angel who, as usual, waited patiently for her to make her move. And she was more than happy to. "First of all, I'll summon King Tiger Wanghu, in Attack Mode!!" A ferocious feline monster would materialize in front of its summoner. Despite being feral in nature, it was lightly armored. It snarls at Angel's monsters as it glares at them.
King Tiger Wanghu
Level 4
ATK 1700/DEF 1000
"King Tiger Wanghu, huh? It looks like things just got interesting." Angel made an observation between Sarah's monsters. They both had a difference of 1000 ATK points between them, but each looked as vicious as the other. Both were eager to attack his monsters, but Angel believed that they would survive the turn.
Sarah didn't hesitate to make the call. "Now Behemoth! Attack Gachi again!" Once again, the large Behemoth charges and pounds Gachi Gachi, only for the latter to block the attack. as it did before. It lost an Overlay unit in the process, but it was able to repel the Behemoth's giant fist. The people in the audience, of course, were shouting the whole time as it was a frightening experience to see something so large running so fast.
"How quickly we forget." Angel smirked as Behemoth goes back to his side of the field. "Gachi Gachi may not have any Overlay units now, but he's still on the field!" Sarah smiled, prompting Angel to take a closer loo at his field. He is shocked to see that Venus stands back a little, as King Tiger Wanghu prepared to attack. "No! My Venus is weak now!"
Gachi Gachi Gantetsu
Rank 2
ATK 500/DEF 1800
Overlay Units: 0
The Agent of Creation - Venus
Level 3
ATK 1600/DEF 0
"I wasn't done, you know!" Sarah pointed at the weakened Venus, and King Tiger Wanghu was more than happy to follow orders. "King Tiger Wanghu, attack!" King Tiger Wanghu then makes a massive leap, aimed for Venus. It successfully tackles her to the ground, and destroys her. However, Sarah noticed something. "I don't get it. You should have lost Life Points! Why haven't they gone down at all?!"
Despite his loss, Angel smiled as he pointed out a small detail. "Haven't you noticed? My Sanctuary in the Sky protects my Life Points if my opponent destroys a Fairy monster I control!"
Sarah then stares at the Valkyrie, and given the warrior woman's look on her face Angel's statement was right. "I'm afraid it's true. The Sanctuary in the Sky is the safest haven for Fairy players. Although the aggressive ones leave it out in exchange for powerful cards, it seems like your foe has taken a tactical approach."
"So he won't lose Life Points at all?!"
"His field mustn't have a Fairy to avoid its effect. Sadly, his Gachi Gachi Gantetsu is in Defense Position, and only Behemoth can destroy him."
"And he already attacked." But it was far from over. Behemoth remained as the strongest monster on the field, and King Tiger Wanghu would prevent entry for monsters weaker than itself. "This isn't over! I end my turn, Angel!"
Angel makes his next draw and begins his turn with great elegance. Once he looks at his card, he became utterly excited. Sarah was scared. "Oh, this is perfect! The curtains are about to come down, my beauty! I summon the Agent of Mystery - Earth!!!!" Angel immediately places the card on his Duel Disk, revealing a small image of the Planet Earth. The Agents' search monster materializes instantly, standing next to Gachi Gachi.
The Agent of Mystery - Earth
Level 2 Tuner
ATK 1000/DEF 800
"I also know of your King Tiger Wanghu and his special ability." Angel began. "Whether we like it or not, he instantly destroys any monster that is Summoned on the field. However, my Earth also has a special ability upon being summoned. And with the power of my Sanctuary, it'll bring a monster that will end this Duel....and win a date for me!" Detecting a weaker monster than itself, King Tiger Wanghu pounces on Earth and destroys it. However, due to the effect not being negated, Earth had used its power to allow Angel to search for the Agents' strongest. "Now meet Master Hyperion! I can summon him to the field if I remove any of my Agents from the game, be they on my hand, field, or Graveyard!" Removing his Venus from the Graveyard, a mysterious being materializes in front of Angel. With its magic, it forms a hologram of sorts of the Solar System.
Master Hyperion
Level 8
ATK 2700/DEF 2100
The Valkyrie, now worried that Angel had placed a powerful monster on the field, quickly turns to Sarah. "Now would be a good time to activate your face down card!"
"Why is that?" Sarah stared back questioningly.
Back on the sidelines, Leon and Roger looked on as Angel had summoned his monster. They wondered what it could do, so they turn to the shopkeeper. "Master Hyperion, like a few other Fairy monsters, has an effect that varies depending on the presence of Sanctuary in the Sky!"
"So....I'm guessing he's more dangerous when that field card is there on the field, huh?" Leon asked.
Sarah quickly activated one of her face-down card, before Angel could do anything else. "Hold on! Before you begin, I activate my Set Mystical Space Typhoon! Your Field Spell is as good as gone!" A magical tornado emerges from the card hologram, and destroys The Sanctuary in the Sky. Angel could only seethe as he puts his Field Spell Card on the Graveyard.
"Well done!" The Valkyrie said. "You seem to have caught on to my vague warning."
"Thanks, Valkyrie." Sarah nodded before she displays an slightly unpleasant look on her face. "But don't do that again. I need to do this on my own."
Angel looked displeased that Sarah ruined his strategy, but he smiled soon after. "Not bad, but you can't stop Master Hyperion from making an impact! If I remove a Fairy monster from my Graveyard and from the game, I get to destroy one monster on the field! So I'll remove one of my Mystical Shine Balls, and target your Behemoth!" Absorbing the power of the deceased Mystical Shine Ball, Master Hyperion calls forth a massive solar ray from above, destroying Sarah's Behemoth. Sarah was horrified that her Behemoth was destroyed, but Angel was far from done. "Now, Master Hyperion! I never knew what his attack name was, but I always called it the Solar Strike!! Destroy her King Tiger Wanghu!!!"
Using his own power this time, Master Hyperion calls another solar ray from above. And just before it destroyed King Tiger Wanghu.... "Now!! Tanngnjostr!!!" Sarah shouted just as the ray hits King Tiger Wanghu dead on, and sends it to the Graveyard. But once the smoke cleared, Angel was surprised to see a black goat in Defense position, protecting its master. Angel looked dumbfounded when he saw the new monster, but Sarah would smile at his expression. "Confused? I activated Tanngnjostr's special ability. If a monster I controlled was destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, Tanngnjostr's lightning-quick speed can bring him from my hand to the field!
Sarah's LP: 8000 --> 7000
Tanngnjostr of the Nordic Beasts
Level 3
ATK 800/DEF 1100
"Awesome! Sarah isn't defenseless!" Roger said.
"But there is a problem." Mr. Phoenix pointed out. "Tanngnjostr should only be summoned if the field is set up for an Aesir. And I'm afraid Master Hyperion still poses quite a threat."
Angel didn't like what Sarah was doing, but he believed all she did was delay the inevitable. "I end my turn, mon ami."
"Perfect!" Sarah shouted before beginning her next turn. She had drawn a Field Spell of her own, but it was not what she had hoped for. "The Nordic Lights? Oh, no. I was hoping for Guldfaxe!"
"Don't worry." The Valkyrie said as she went closer. "The Nordic Lights are still good on their own."
"Oh, right. They may protect Tanngnjostr!" Sarah then faces Angel, ready to make her move. "I activate my own Field Spell, The Nordic Lights!!!" The Field Spell changes the setting to the Aurora Borealis, mysterious lights that appear on the sky. The spectators were amazed. Especially Angel.
"Lovely. You HAVE to do that on our date." He said.
"First you have to get through this! Sarah said as she Sets down two cards in her Spell/Trap Zone. "I end my turn!"
"How pitiful. No monsters except for that tiny goat? Angel said as he began his turn. He was displeased with how long the Duel had gone. "I'm done going easy on you, though. First I'll get rid of your face down cards! Your Traps are too risky to ignore, so Master Hyperion, destroy the one on her right!" Master Hyperion then absorbs the power of the last Shine Ball in the Graveyard, but before he could do anything...
"Not so fast!" Sarah yelled as she pushed a button on her Duel Disk. "Commencing chain! Activating, Gleipnir, the Fetters of Fenrir!!!" Activating the targeted card, Sarah then searches her Deck for a Nordic monster, via the Trap's effect. She adds Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts, and soon after Master Hyperion's move resolves without effect thanks to the rules concerning Chains.
Angel look displeased that his move had failed, especially now that he had Banished his last Shine Ball as the cost. "No matter! Now I switch my Gachi Gachi Gantetsu to Attack mode! I'm gonna shred whatever Life Points I can, but I'll have to get rid of that annoying goat of yours!" Master Hyperion then initiates his attack, calling forth the beam that destroyed Behemoth and King Tiger Wanghu. But once he fires, the Nordic Lights grant Tanngnjostr their power, allowing it to survive the attack. "What now?!"
"You did good in thinking that you would meet a nasty surprise, but it didn't come from my face down cards." Sarah pointed out. "The Nordic Lights allow my Nordic monsters to survive any battle! Had you targeted them or Tanngnjostr, you would have inflicted some heavy damage. The Traps were merely decoys!"
"Darn it...." Angel cursed his luck. "Then I have no choice but to end my turn. But next time, I will use the Earth as the last monster to fuel Hyperion's wrath!"
"That won't happen. I draw!" Sarah said as she drew her next card, and was quick to make a move. "Now I activate Tanngnjostr's special ability! When I switch him to Attack mode, he can call any of the Nordic Beasts from my Deck!" Tanngnjostr's ability then activates, and causes lightning to strike the ground, summoning a second copy of Tanngrisnir.
Tanngrisnir of the Nordic Beasts
Level 3
ATK 1200/DEF 800
Sarah wasn't done. She had drawn one of the cards she needed to turn the Duel around. "Now meet the fastest steed on the world! I summon Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts!!" Hearing galloping, Angel could only brace himself as the new monster makes its way on the field, standing between the two goats. A horse with a golden mane, Guldfaxe was based on the steed that Thor had given his own son as a gift. "The field is set now. With these three monsters, I can Synchro Summon!"
Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts
Level 4 Tuner
ATK 1600/DEF 1000
"A Level 10 Synchro?!" Angel said in surprise.
"Yeah." Sarah said as her three monsters leap into the air. With their levels adding up to 10, they all dissolve into light. Guldfaxe, as the Tuner, dissolved into rings that engulfed the other monsters. "With them I can summon the legendary hero and champion of Asgard. Come forth! Thor, Lord of the Aesir!!!"
The tall and mighty Thor then makes his thundering entrance, as thunder and lightning scare the people for a moment. With the magical hammer in his hand, the champion of Asgard prepared for battle.
Thor, Lord of the Aesir
Level 10
ATK 3500/DEF 2800
Mr. Phoenix was the first to gain his composure and make a comment. "There he is. The mighty Thor."
"He's so...big!!!" Roger said, pointing out the obvious.
Leon was glad that Sarah summoned a powerful monster to her side. "Oh, yeah! She's got this now!!!"
Angel, however, was far from pleased. He had failed to capitalize on Sarah's vulnerability. "You know even he's not enough to help you, so I'm not afraid! I can just destroy him with Hyperion when your turn is over!"
"Then I'll activate this now, and try to wrap it up!" Sarah shouted as she flips a face-down card again. "Activating face-down card, Nordic Relic Megingjord!!! With this, I can double Thor's already-unmatched strength! And seriously? What's Thor without his belt?!"
An enormous belt is then placed around the waist of the mighty Aesir. Sarah knew enough about Thor's belt, which was said to double his strength in battle.
Thor, Lord of the Aesir
ATK 3500 --> 7000/DEF 2800 --> 5600
But she wasn't done. "And guess what? Last turn, you switched your Gachi Gachi to Attack mode!"
"Oh, no!" Angel shouted as he came to the realization. Of course, earlier in the match people had already commented how stupid that move was, though it fell on deaf ears.
Sarah was already prepared to attack. "Thor! Destroy Gachi Gachi Gantetsu with your Pulverizing Pound!!!!" With his overwhelming might, Thor slams down the enormous Mjollnir on Gachi Gachi Gantetsu, finally destroying the monster that gave Sarah so much trouble. The pound was so loud it echoed liked thunder. "And that's where I end my turn."
Angel's LP: 7000 --> 500
"No mercy!" Angel shouted as he began his turn. He was losing it, and thus did not hesitate to call the attack. "Mater Hyperion, activate your special ability, and use your power to destroy your greatest foe yet!" Master Hyperion then removes the Agent of Mystery from the game, and uses its power with his to destroy Thor. Even the powerful Aesir stood no match for the destructive power of Master Hyperion, leaving Sarah defenseless. "I got you now! Attack!" Soon after, Angel doesn't hesitate to command a direct attack, hitting Sarah directly. "And that would end my-" But Angel then saw that, despite the damage, Sarah was still determined to finish the Duel. But how, he thought. Thor was gone, and it would take forever to set up for an Aesir again, unless.....
Sarah's LP: 7000 --> 4300
"Not just yet!!" Sarah stood back up, painfully but otherwise surely. "Thor has a special ability, you know!"
"How?! With him out of the field, there's no way he can do anything!"
"That's where you're wrong, Angel! By removing a Nordic Beast Tuner from the Graveyard and the game, I can revive Thor from the Graveyard!" By removing Guldfaxe from the game, Sarah was able to call Thor back to the field. The mighty warrior arose on the field, raising his hammer and thus preparing himself for the turn to come. "And when he's summoned this way, you feel his wrath! He immediately strikes YOU down for 800 points of damage!"
Thor then releases a lightning attack from the pointed parts on his shoulder plates, shredding away Angel's remaining Life Points and ending the Duel. Angel knelt in defeat, as Leon rushed to congratulate Sarah with a hug.
Angel's LP: 500 --> 0
WINNER: Sarah!
"Awesome dueling, cuz!!" Leon said before letting Sarah go.
"Remarkable, Sarah!" Mr. Phoenix began, excited to have seen such a great Duel. "You impressed me! Looks like your Deck is fit to hold the Aesir."
"Thank you, both of you!" Sarah said cheerfully. Not only did she win the Duel, but she also impressed everyone around her. Even the most loyal among Angel's fans couldn't deny what they had seen tonight, but they also praised Angel for trying.
Roger felt out of place, especially when he heard Sarah praising Leon and his own father. "Um, don't I count for something?"
"Of course! You guys were rooting for me the whole time!" Sarah turned to a camera just in time to have her picture taken by a random stranger. She was about to inquire about getting a copy when she noticed Angel standing up.
" w-won." He said weakly.
Leon stuck his tongue out at the womanizing Duelist. "Yup, so no date for you!"
"I understand. I'm amazed you managed to pull that off."
Something had been on the mind of Mr. Phoenix for a while, and now that the Duel was over he felt it was okay to reveal what he had thought. "What worried me is when she used the Nordic Lights. It has a terrible side effect upon getting destroyed."
"Really?" Sarah didn't know about the side effect, so she was a little curious what it was.
"Yes." Mr. Phoenix continued." If it is ever destroyed, all of your Nordic monsters are taken along as well."
"So I could have done that instead of destroying your face downs with Master Hyperion." Angel had recalled back when he targetted Sarah's Gleipnir Trap Card, right before she started a Chain. If Master Hyperion had destroyed the Nordic Lights instead, Tanngnjostr would have been destroyed and thus leaving Sarah open to an attack.
But now that it was in the past, Sarah kept her eye on the deal. "Oh, yeah. A deal's a deal, mister."
"Yeah." Angel pulled a card from his Extra Deck pouch. Sarah waited eagerly to see what it was. "From me to you." Angel hands over the card, It was an Xyz Monster, one that Sarah had already seen before.
"Gachi Gachi Gantetsu?" Sarah said in a disappointed tone. She had hoped to get Master Hyperion or at least Venus.
"Yeah. Xyz are all the rage these days, and he strengthens my Deck. I want you to have him as part of the deal."
"I will." Sarah reluctantly shook Angel's hand, and to her surprise he did nothing more than to shake back. The man that was hitting on her earlier had already started behaving like a gentleman, so she couldn't stay mad at him.
"Well, I guess this is where I leave. I'll see you around." Angel leaves the area, and his fans, despite his loss, are quick to follow. Mr. Phoenix and the teens head for the shop, while the spirit of the Valkyrie remains behind.
"Impressive. She has made great progress already. She's already managed to summon the champion of Asgard and the All-Father in one night. I must continue to follow her." The Valkyrie slowly hovers behind her partner, as the screen slowly fades to black.
Episode 3 Review
" Hello, everyone. I'm Sarah."
"Ta-da! And I'm Angel."
"Haven't you bothered us enough for one night?"
"Hey, I'm a guest in this story of yours. With any luck, I could even get the spotlight, you know."
"Anyway, in this next episode some creepy girl wants to duel not me, but Leon."
"I wonder why." Leon started wondering.
"Beats me. I guess there's one way to find out, and that's by tuning in for the next chapter!"
"See you then!" Angel said as his voice fades away.
"Hey, that's our line!" Leon and Sarah shouted in unison.