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An update on the Valkyrie.

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Hello, everyone. Leon here with some news. As you noticed, I haven't posted Pokemon battles lately. Well, it's just that I haven't gotten around to it. Having to juggle between different tasks is something I'm not used to, but hopefully I can have a battle tomorrow morning. Besides, I've been losing a lot lately so there's that. >.> But I recently started reading Fruits Basket, and have just finished Chapter 4. I may read one or two chapters a day, but it's a great story so far.

As the title suggests, here's an update on the Valkyrie. Everything is going well, even if progress has been slow. Chapter 1 has finally been rewritten, and since I want you guys to read it I simply edited it in the blog entry and the thread in Written Media. So if you haven't seen it already, I highly suggest you read it. Prose form makes it look tons better. ^_^

I'm working on Chapter 2 now and progress has been going smooth. I may have it done by the end of the week, but it also depends on how many obstacles are thrown at me along the way. Not to mention I may get that PS3 pretty soon so that's another reason to neglect you guys >.> <.< But despite it all I promised myself I wouldn't give up on the story. I want to show you guys what I have planned in later chapters, even if the process has been slow.

I hope you guys have a blessed evening, or day or anything wherever you are.

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