The Valkyrie. Chapter 8: A New Tournament? Count Me In!
, 11-27-2012 at 08:52 AM (2335 Views)
The conclusion of the first season. Let this be known as the shortest chapter ever! Didn't give you guys much time to guess on the card, but oh well.
Guess That Card!
Chapter Eight: A New Tournament? Count Me In!
And so we enter the next scene. John, Sarah, Leon, and Riddel had sat down to eat at the dining room while James resumed his duties as the butler. Sarah, having eaten nothing but a milkshake and a laxative-induced loaf of banana bread, was more than happy to gulp down on the food that was brought to her. Her lack of etiquette did more than disgust her host, but all Riddel had to do was stare at her new friend to forget about that slight problem. They all talked as they ate, and John had begun an interesting conversation.
John: ....And there you have it. I was proud of my win at the championship, but what really excited me about Turbo Dueling was that it satisfied my need for speed. Once you took off on the track, you had to keep your eyes on the road while making your moves. I never felt more alive in those days.
Riddel: Thanks, John! Now that you brought it up, I really wanted to tell you guys something! There's a new tournament coming up in England, and Duelists from all over the world are invited!
Leon: A tournament?
Riddel: Mmhmm! It's called the Athena Cup, and it starts in a month! Teams of Duelists show up and try to eliminate other teams on one-on-one Duels. The remaining teams then compete in the finals for the trophy and prize in Turbo Duels! John boy went there last year, but his team lost so bad they all quit on him on the spot.
John: It was a dumb mistake on my part. It's more like they kicked me out of the team. That's the main reason I retired.
Riddel: Oh, poo. You can try again this year, and if your old team shows up you can beat them to make them see where they went wrong.
John: It sounds good and all, but where am I going to get a team and pit crew?
Sarah almost choked on her noodles and chicken drumstick when Riddel gave her response. The young girl placed her arms around her new friends, something that didn't please the older girl. Gaining her composure, Sarah stood up in protest.
Sarah: Now hold on for just a minute....
Drake: I'm not even old enough to ride a bike!
Sarah: And I can't ride one!
Riddel: You guys get so discouraged too easily! Is that how champions talk?
Sarah then desperately turns to her invisible companion, who was already nodding in approval.
Sarah: You want me to go, don't you?
Valkyrie: Indeed, Sarah. If we go to the tournament, we are bound to acquire more monster allies if there's an Ante rule.
Sarah: Riddel, is there an Ante rule in the tournament?
Riddel: Yeah! The teams duel for the losers' rarest cards. It's kind of exciting.
Leon: Sarah, can we go? I wanna make Mr. Phoenix proud. Ooh! We can take Roger, too! His summer vacation starts in a week!
Sarah: What a coincidence. But what about you, Riddel? Don't YOU have school to worry about?
James: -stepping in- If I may, ma'am?
Riddel: Sure thing, James. Papa always taught me never to brag about myself.
James: Lady Riddel doesn't need to go to high school. She has already completed all four years' worth of homework in such an excellent manner that her mind is parallel to a college student's. Speaking of which, she can start college any day she wants. Did I mention she has skipped several grades?
Sarah: Unbelievable.....
Leon: Wow, Riddel. You're very smart!
Riddel: -blushing uncontrollably- I-I'm really glad you think so!
John: The ball's on your court now, Sarah. What's it gonna be?
Riddel: I won't take no for an answer! Don't you worry about signing up or the trip! I can call in a few favors and we'll be good to go! And you don't have to worry about that Roger guy, he's invited too!
Leon: Pretty please, Sarah?! I wanna go to England!
Everyone in the room had turned their eyes to her. It was all coming too fast, and if she accepted then she would only have a week to prepare. She couldn't help to think what the new experience would bring, and Leon wanted to go as well. The Valkyrie's reason to go was obvious, and after a while the girl had made up her mind.
Sarah: I would have to take it up to my father. But I'll do it!
Leon: Hooray!
James: Splendid!
John: Oh, yeah!
Riddel: I was hoping you would! Ooh, there's so much stuff to do! We gotta discuss strategies!
Elsewhere, in a dark building in a dark room, a small creature hops on the shoulder of a tall, yet decently built woman. Her face was hidden, but one could guess she was at least in her late 20's.
???: Steelswarm Scout, status report, please.
Scout: Lady Hrist, it appears your target has decided to participate in the Athena Cup. It is just as you anticipated, my great lady!
Hrist: Flattery will get you nowhere, and you would do very well to know your place. You are among the lowest in your family, and you shall do as you're told.
Holding her glass of wine, the woman then takes a small sip from her fine glass. She kept thinking about her Scout's report. And the more she thought about it, the angrier she got. She tightened her grip on her glass, and it became so tight that the handle quickly snapped, breaking the cup and spilling the wine. And her hand began to bleed from the broken glass, but even so she continued to tighten her hold. Her Scout was very afraid.
Hrist: So that trash wants to show off. The spoiled brat thinks she can hold the power of the Aesir. But she is like a male rhinoceros, recently separated from its mother. All I need to do is stop her with something stronger.
Scout: My lady, if it is of any help, they have decided to travel by sea. The rich girl owns her own private yacht, I hear.
Hrist: Then their tomb will be Poseidon's domain. Scout, I need you to search the card of the almighty ocean serpent. It's about time he is awakened.
Season 1 End! Episode 5 Review
Riddel: Are you kidding me?! The season's already over? You know, if this were an anime it'd be very short!
Sarah: You're right, Riddel. But you know what? It may be a short beginning....
Leon: But there's still more to come! You wouldn't believe what's gonna happen. Especially in the next episode!
Roger: It'll be dangerous, but this season's also going to be epic!
Sarah: Don't go that high, Roger. That's for the fans to decide!
Leon: So don't miss the next episode when the new season begins!
Riddel: Starting with Chapter Nine: Hrist, the World Shaker!
All Four: Stay tuned, and we hope to see you then! Farewell for now!
And so we conclude the first season. Not sure when I'll release the next one, but in the meantime I'll release these chapters in the Written Media section of the forums. This is Leon, signing off for now. Ta ta!