My Mind.
, 11-02-2012 at 02:24 PM (1835 Views)
If any of you could tell by looking at my album, I'm Hispanic and 100% Mexican (born in the USA). As tradition dictates, many people in Mexico are visiting the graveyards all over the country in order to visit their deceased loved ones. Known as "Dia de Los Muertos" (translation: "Day of the Dead"), what they do is clean the tombstones, pray for the dead, place flowers on them, etc. Seeing as I don't know much about my own heritage and traditions, I did want to point this out because I'm sure a lot of us would love to stroll down the graveyard and pay a visit to our loved ones, even for just a little while. I certainly have a few people in mind.
And just today I feared of losing another one of my cats. Last year on the 6th, the mother of all our cats was viciously murdered by the neighbor dogs. And just about a month ago, one of our black cats went missing and has yet to come back. We live somewhere else but unfortunately we still have vicious dogs on our neighbors' yard. So every time they bark, we have to see and make sure all of our cats are safe. And today I could have sworn I heard cats screaming and dogs snarling. So far, all of our cats save for one have come home. Hopefully the other will come back inside later on today.
I just want to take a minute to say that it's okay to be concerned for the lives of other living things, but something that really gets on my nerves is hearing EVERYBODY around me stating how concerned they are when disaster strikes or when someone dies. BS. If people were really concerned about the lives of others, we wouldn't have as many people on death row, or homeless, or pretty much anywhere where their lives are at stake. I myself admit that I'm not as concerned as everyone else about everyone's lives. I care more about my friends, family, and pets. I have lost a lot of faith in humanity over the years because of our stupidity. I mean, there are people who claim to be "pro-life" who would wish more than anyone to see a murderer die a painful death. We have people out there who fail to raise their dogs properly, and let them loose without even caring of anyone who would pass by.
Ugh, this rant is going nowhere so I'll close with this. My views on life and death are a bit different than anyone else. I won't brag how concerned I am about someone else because I really am not. I'm rarely fazed by disasters, I'm usually more concerned about the possibility of animals getting hurt. Does it make me a bad person? I would only help someone if I'm really able to, otherwise I just keep my mouth shut. But don't get me wrong. I still care about my friends and family (pets included). And my beating heart from looking for my cats is proof of that. I'm just like anyone else, the only difference between me and some people is that I don't express as much concern as everyone else, even if they don't care on the inside.
Didn't imagine my rant would end like this. I was a bit upset when I wrote it. Well, ta-ta for now. Hopefully I'll be in a better mood after work.