News on the Valkyrie and life in general.
, 12-05-2012 at 11:37 AM (1002 Views)
Hello, everyone. Leon here. I just want to say some things that need to be said, and just things I need to get off my chest.
For starters, I've been recommended a different writing style to use on my story. That's right, I'm talking about the prose form of writing. So by her suggestion I tried it out. I couldn't believe it at first, but a lot of words suddenly ended up on my screen. I just typed whatever came to mind. And I loved it.
Which leads to my big announcement. The next season of my story will see little progress for who knows how long, because I will spend a lot of my time rewriting my story in prose form. A lot of writers can do this task for a week or so, but it'll take me a while since writing doesn't always come naturally to me, not to mention I get distracted easily. But every day I manage to write something out so the first chapter should be done soon. I have been able to impress myself by how much better I can make my story when written in prose form, considering all I've written so far already. So it's not simply something I'm trying out, I'm going to rewrite the first season before focusing more on the second one.
Life in general is okay. Work has been fine, no one's had to get on to me for "productivity" issues. Thanks to something I'm trying out. Starting yesterday, I started working out whenever I felt sluggish and after waking up. It had my heart going and it warmed my body. Thanks to that I moved faster than usual, but it only lasted for a while once my shift began. Still, better than ever. If I keep doing this my sluggish days may be a thing of the past someday. I could even focus a little more so I even exercised when I needed to focus more on my story
So, as always, I noticed I was still alone. Oh, not that kind of alone. I have my family, and while my mother's had to get on to me for lack of attention sometimes I still love her and my sister. I'm thankful for what I have. But sometimes I look at myself. Sitting at the computer until it's time for bed, go to work when I get up, and end up on the computer when I get home. I actually like it, but I get sad at the thought of what any woman would think. I haven't had the courage to do anything any time I signed up for a dating site. Women want someone with a car, which is understandable. And a lot of them down here want a "country boy." I'm far from that. I'm a stay-at-home kinda guy. I do go out when I have the money and I plan to go out even more when I have a car. But my ideal date would be at home. Playing games. Watching anime. Cuddling all the while. We would go out to shop together, eat together, watch a movie, etc. Sometimes I just wish my life would be better, you know? I'm thankful for the people who have taken their time to listen whenever I felt down, but sadly it doesn't change what I'm doing with my life. I just feel that I may stay like this if I don't do something soon.
I still have hope in the future. I know something would turn up if I look hard enough and try hard enough. And who knows, maybe I've already met that woman of my dreams but that's wishful thinking at the moment. It always leads to that, doesn't it? I know for sure my spirits would be higher if I go out with someone. I've had a taste of true love before, and one of my biggest fears is never finding it again. And I would truly hate to end up finding someone late in my lifetime, only to find out they're divorced. It's a big deal when someone's divorced because as a Catholic I'm not allowed to even date a divorced woman. It's not something I like but I would have to stand by that rule.
I feel fine right now, just in case you guys are wondering. It's just a long rant about love again, and it may be getting old for some of you. The good thing about it is that at least I try to do something and not just sit here waiting. I know I have to do my part, too. But it can be hard. I already like a few people and seeing how they feel about me is the hard part. And I would hate for anyone to distance themselves away from me, which is another reason I hesitate so much. But I must do something if I want to change my life in general. It just sucks that there's not a lot I can do for myself economically.
But I guess that's enough for now. I should have gone to sleep already. Thanks for reading, everyone. Have a nice day.