READ THIS FIRST! The Valkyrie: Coming Soon!
, 11-04-2012 at 08:25 AM (2547 Views)
Hiya, I was prepared to post the fan fic elsewhere but I never returned to that place until today, so the actual story was never posted there. However, I WILL post the info I posted in the topic that would help out those that wanted to read it. In short, if you wanna make my story on your to-read list, please read on. Posts will be condensed into this one Blog entry.
I've been writing fan fiction for almost six years now. My writing skills have left something to be desired over the past year, but my writing style is pretty decent. But enough of that. The plot in general is about a girl named Sarah (yes, a GIRL Duelist), often referred to by her nickname "The Valkyrie" due to her skills with a Nordic deck. And with the spirits of real Duel Monsters ending up in the Halls of Valhalla, the spirit of the Nordic monster "Valkyrie of the Nordic Ascendant" is sent on a mission to help Sarah out in exchange for her help to purge the impending threat on the horizon. The story itself will feature monsters from every Yu-Gi-Oh series (expect cards like Dark Magician, Yubel, Stardust Dragon, and Number 39: Utopia to make an appearance, as an example). There will be romance. There will be laughter. There will be anger and suffering. Despite a lot of the corny lines you'll inevitably read, this will be a story for a PG-13 audience. Sorry, you pervs. No ecchi xD
It could take years to make, as I predict multiple writer's blocks ahead. However, I already thought up of the core characters as well as a beginning and an end. I don't intend to give up on it, but it could take a while to write. And like I said, anyone is welcome to help out. Just PM me if you're interested, and could send you the first few chapters that I have already written to see if you're interested.
One last thing to note: I write in script form. I find it easier that way as I can't describe everything in book form. However, that doesn't mean I leave details out, no sir!
The character list. I'll do my best to avoid spoilers, and in case I don't it'll probably because you'll find out in the first couple of chapters anyway. The first four are the main characters of the story, while the fifth is a supporting character.
Note: The section that states "If I could pick a voice actor" is just that. I hear the voices of those VAs every time I reread my own chapters so I wanted you guys to "hear" them as well. It's not like I'm so writer who's actually working with anime (though I wish ~_~).
Name: Sarah Anderson
Age: 20
Hair: Black
Eye color: Brown
Nationality: Swedish (by mother's side)/Australian (by father's side)
Outfit: Dresses conservatively, usually seen in a green T-shirt with a long-sleeved plain white shirt underneath, and blue jeans.
Signature Deck: Nordic
Signature card: Valkyrie of the Nordic Ascendant
If I could pick a voice actress: Kelly Sheridan. I could never come up with a sole voice for Sarah every time I reread her lines in my already-written chapters. But after some thought I could hear this voice more than the others. For you anime fans, this particular actress has provided the voice for Ukyo in Ranma 1/2 and Sango in InuYasha.
Comments: The main character, and I didn't make the main protagonist female because of being pervy, but rather because I do better coming up with female characters than I do with males for some reason. As some people normally don't do, she's a bit based on myself while also being the "normal" girl. As for her appearance, it was kinda easy as I had already thought it out. She looks similar to Princess Garnet from Final Fantasy IX, so she'll be the black-haired beauty you tend to see a lot.
Name: Leon Nyström
Age: 14
Hair: Blond
Eye color: Blue
Nationality: Swedish
Outfit: White and blue Nehru jacket and khaki shorts.
Signature Deck: Spirit
Signature card: Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi
If I could pick a voice actor: Mona Ianotti! I always imagine Leon having this voice whenever I write, and by now I grew fond of it. I loved this actress's work in Star Ocean: Till the End of Time the most.
Comments: Sarah's cousin, and pretty much the only person she would die for. Leon would be more optimistic than Sarah most of the time, always excited to see duels despite of being terrified at holograms. I got the idea for his outfit after seeing Goten in Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3 in his alternate outfit, though he'll be in rags for the first few chapters.
Name: Roger Phoenix
Age: 17
Hair: Red
Eye Color: Olive green
Nationality: American
Outfit: Red and blue t-shirt with black jeans.
Signature Deck: WIND/DARK Anti-Spell Fragrance Deck
Signature Card: Dark Simorgh, Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys
If I could pick a voice actor: Richard Cox. Given that he has voiced at least two overconfident characters in the world of anime, I can hear his voice coming out of Roger. It would suit his personality well.
Comments: A fearless yet loyal guy, the only thing hotter than Roger's fiery spirit is his temper when he is angered. I was creative with his appearance, as you can see some random colors. However, the red and blue colors represent Roger's American heritage, so I guess I wasn't so random with him.
Name: Riddel Mirai
Age: 16
Hair: Blond with brown at the tips
Eye Color: Blue
Nationality: Japanese
Outfit: All-green attire of a blouse and skirt, topped with a beret.
Signature Deck: Naturia
Signature card: Naturia Beast, Naturia Barkion
If I could pick a voice actress: Bella Hudson. I watch Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal every morning, and after a certain character is introduced...I remembered Riddel. I could hear her in this soft voice.
Comment: You guessed it, she's based on the girl I loved deeply. And in some stories my main character's name is Leon, so I wanted to pair them up. Riddel will be the rich girl in the care of a kind-hearted butler and her limo driver, both with a past of their own.
Name: Mr. Phoenix
Age: 43
Hair: Balding gray hair.
Eye color: Brown
Nationality: American
Outfit: Usual shop clerk attire, complete with apron.
Signature Deck: Guardian
Signature Card: Guardian Eatos
If I could pick a voice actor: Mike Pollock. This guy is the fatherly figure of the four main characters, and will help them out numerous times. As for you old-school Yu-Gi-Oh fans, this actor voiced Professor Hawkins, and I could hear his voice in the shopkeeper.
Comments: A shop clerk and Roger's father, he'll support the characters with new cards that will help strengthen their decks. His role will be crucial until halfway into the story.
Well, I came to realize that some of you don't know the rules of the game. But never fear! I'm here to explain the basics real quick, so you can enjoy the fan fic even more.
To start in this two-player game, each player starts with 8000 Life points, 4000 if they both decide on it. The main Deck must at least have 40 cards. Getting the first turn can be decided on a game of rock-paper-scissors. Each player then starts with a 5-card hand, and the one who got the first turn can begin by drawing another card. Each player's turn is divided into six "Phases".
Draw Phase - The turn player begins by drawing a card from their main Deck.
Standby Phase - Some card effects occur during this Phase. Otherwise, just ignore it.
Main Phase 1 - Monsters can be Summoned, certain Monster effects can be activated once they hit the field, and Spell/Trap Card can be activated or Set.
Battle Phase - If the turn player has a monster on the field, they can attack the opponent's monster. If there is no opposing monster, the attacker can attack directly. Some monsters can attack directly regardless of circumstances. However, the player who gets first turn cannot conduct their Battle Phase.
Main Phase 2 - Just like Main Phase 1, but can only be conducted after the Battle Phase.
End Phase - Some monster effects can happen here, otherwise the turn ends.
And finally, a quick run-down on the cards themselves.
Monster cards - Each player can summon a monster to the field. A Normal Summon is just that, a Normal Summon. A player just summons the monster with no special effect. Those summoned by a special effect are "Special Summoned". Normal Summons can only occur once per turn, while Special Summons have no limit.
Spell Cards - There are several categories, but they can all be activated right away. Spell cards usually aid players or put the opponent at a disadvantage. However, they can only be activated in either Main Phase, except for Quick-Play, which can be activated in any Phase.
Trap cards - These cards are set face-down and can't be activated right away. However, after the turn they are set, they can be activated at any time, even during an opponent's turn. They can help their owners or put the opponent at a disadvantage, just like spell cards.
The overall objective of the game is to win by reducing the other player's Life Points to 0. However, other victory conditions can be met if possessing the right cards, like all five pieces of Exodia.
That's it, really. It's very important to read this if you want to understand my story, but you don't really have to. I'll post the story soon, either today, tomorrow, or the next night. Depends on how I'm feeling.