Just another night. Like a boss! (Or "Like a Noctowl", for you Loco)
, 11-21-2012 at 07:34 AM (831 Views)
Hello, TFFers. Just wanted to add another blog entry. I haven't got much to say, but maybe I'll come up with some things as I go along.
For starters I started watching Yu Yu Hakusho. The manga I kept finding for it had bad translations, and since I didn't want to start watching from the beginning I simply picked up from where I left off. It was the beginning of Kuwabara's fight against the second Beast. I enjoyed those two episodes. Yeah, I'll take it a few episodes at a time but I may start watching more in one go if I get interested enough. I hope to see what Hiei has in store for the third Beast.
So the countdown continues for Black Friday. I get off tomorrow morning at 7AM, but I gotta come in at 6PM that afternoon ._. I'm not very pleased but if I do get off at 3AM then that means more sleep for me. Hehe.
Other than my usual bouts of despair, I've been feeling good. I still can't thank some people enough for lending an ear to a fool's tale like mine. Makes me wanna do something for them, but there's not much I can do from where I'm at. I'm not talented at art or anything, I'm pretty useless in some areas right now ._. But the best I can do is lend an ear when they need it. Sometimes I'm good at giving advice, but I'll let the people decide. And worry not, I won't make it public EVER.
I wanna do a Q&A, and if people ask me enough questions I might just post them on my next blog entry. In case you wanna go for it, I'm comfortable with any question. Just gonna have to ask you not to go past the forum limits, even if I sound a bit flirty right now. I'll answer anything to the best of my ability.
I leave you guys with this pic I took just for you. And yup, it was done from my BlackBerry. And I used no mirrors. Have a blessed day, everyone.