Reminiscing and whatnot.
, 10-27-2012 at 06:56 AM (1436 Views)
Good morning, everybody. Night owl Leon here, ready to write a few thoughts down. First of all, I wanna say "GObama!"
*ahem* Moving on. It's been a while since I've started working for Walmart (Over a year and a half now) and I must say I love the overnight shift. It is at this point that they would start cutting hours for the day time people, as most of them are part-time. Going through a rough patch right now, I'm very thankful that I at least I'm barely able to make enough to support my family. I can't imagine where I would be right now if I didn't make the decision to switch shifts.
Anyway, I noticed one of my friends post on Facebook on how she's finally breaking down. She's living with her dad and daughter, works at one of the worst places imaginable and goes to college. I'd be stressed out the first day of going through that, and she's managed to last this long before breaking down. As I was saying, I call her every now and then and once I saw that Facebook post I texted her the first chance I got. Then I called her, but she replied to neither of my ways to contact her. So I was kinda dumbfounded. Then I remembered about two days ago that she had to go during a call and said she was going to call right back but she never did. So I'm now wondering if she's trying to avoid me (just what everyone likes to do once they get tired of me) even though I've been her friend for almost four years. Maybe it's just an insecurity of mine but who knows. It's the first time she rejected a call from me so she just didn't want to talk. I don't know.
Speaking of girls..... *sighs* I do recall telling everyone through my poetry thread that there was this girl I met when I was 16. Her name was Riddel (she always called herself that). It was an online relationship (which I've had more than rl relationships) and we loved each other. Sadly she was bullied and in the end passed away from brain cancer. That's a quick summary and would prefer not to delve much into it (unless you really wanna know), but recently I keep thinking of her. This love was very deep, I still miss her after four years since she passed away. As you may have noticed, the poetry I've posted came from her and a friend and I loved it. I'm still sad at the fact that there aren't many girls left like her, and those that I do meet are usually involved with someone else. That's been my luck. The reason I've been absent was because I met someone else and thought I could finally move on, but it was off after six months and I've felt worse than ever. The irony of it all is that Riddel's sign was Cancer. I'm a guy that laughs at irony. But never at anything like this.
As you can see, I've been feeling kinda lonely but hopefully I'll make it. I've been trying to find ways to socialize more with people and I'm starting with the way I know best: online. Do you guys know of a good way to do that without spending much (or any amount of) money? I'm already considering on investing on a PS3 due to the free online fun, but having more options wouldn't hurt. Money's kinda tight around so it may take a while to do anything ._.
Other than all these thoughts I had to release from my mind, I'm feeling okay. Things could be worse but I also wish they were better. Gaming-wise, I haven't expanded much. Newest thing I've played was FFVIII. I'll also post a Duodecim video I uploaded on Youtube so I hope you enjoy it. Lastly, I'm very active on Facebook so if you want to add me lemme know beforehand. I don't want to get a friend request without knowing who it is o_o