More news on the fan fic. What a night. Be at ease, my stinger....
, 11-01-2012 at 09:57 AM (1134 Views)
Get it? B-because....I was born under Scorpio and consider myself a scorpion sometimes? You did? So I just killed my own message x.x
Last night at work was just.....horrible. I would explain in detail and yet I have a feeling none of you would get it. So I'm just gonna say I was very upset (a rare occurrence I might add) because of the people that screwed me over during my shift, but the plus side is that it's all over with. Still feeling a tad sour but I'll get over it with some sleep.
As for the fan fic, I managed to scrounge up enough motivation to end the eight chapter. I decided to end the first story arc right there and simply name it The Prelude, which will be followed by four more story arcs at the very least. Not sure how long each one will be, but we'll see. I decided to write the story more or less like a manga mixed with anime. Each episode (each one takes two chapters) will begin with character introductions, and every even-numbered chapter will end with an episode preview. So yeah. It makes less sense the more you think about it, I have a feeling it makes more sense to me since I came up with it >_>
I decided to release the first season at a later date, but I'm not sure exactly when. Maybe next week, who knows? Oh, for the record, my birthday's in six days. Woo-hoo!