Another night....sad yet awesome.
, 11-24-2012 at 08:47 AM (815 Views)
Well....where to begin?
How about when I was working, a lady came up to me to see if we had an item from our crafts section. Since I work that area and my pallets of freight were already on the floor, I thought it would be best to search the contents of my pallets to see if we had the item. While I started to look, a girl came up to me and asked if we had a certain knitting item. So I decided to help her look, and while we looked she and I started a conversation. Turned out that she likes gaming, especially Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy VII is her fav so I couldn't relate, but the conversation went well. I actually enjoyed her company.
You can guess what happened next. The lady from earlier found me and was ready to chew me out, how I was just standing there. The girl stepped in to defend me, which threw me off (in a good way) and told the lady that I was also helping her, which was true. However, the lady told her to stay out and turned her attention to me. Since I work at a place where the customer is right no matter what, I got ready to apologize and also told her that I did look for her item (a piece of styrofoam) out there on the salesfloor, and if she wanted to I could search in the back. She said that's what she thought I did, and apologized again for the wait so I went to the back to search. Actually, I stayed in the back of the store for a bit as our crafts are outside in our trailers and we couldn't get to them during the night. I prepared myself to tell her the bad news, but what do you know? The lady was gone. I was frustrated and relieved at the same time.
The girl came back around five minutes after I did. We continued talking and told me she used to work at Walmart so she gave me some advice on how to handle customers like that. Once she left, I realized something. I didn't get her number or name!!!!! Oh, cruel fate. I felt it would have been too forward to ask for her number so being the chicken that I am I never did. But what if I never see her again? I know she works at a certain convenience store but that's all I know. I really want to see her again so maybe I'll search around the city. Yeah, that doesn't sound creepy ._.