Car Crashes and Prom Dresses... fun.
, 09-21-2012 at 09:05 PM (14536 Views)
Date: August 21, 2012
Music: Taylor Swift - Haunted
Quote of the day: "Never drink acid." My Chemistry Teacher Mr. Budke
Picture of the day :3:
(Lion I drew for art last year! I believe I got a... silver? Don't remember...)
It's been awhile hasn't it? .....
Anyways, after that awkward silence that was really... awkward, I would like to list some things I've done over the past month and what not!
First of all, I started school a few weeks ago and, as of right now, I have straight A's which makes me quite happy. I'm also now working a part-time job at a local restaurant as a dishwasher. Yeah, it's not the best job but I do get paid seven bucks an hour so it's not all that bad. And with my money I'm saving up, I'm going to be pre-ordering a few games; Resident Evil Six, Final Fantasy: Lightning Returns (When it's available for pre-order that is...), and The Sims 3: Seasons. These aren't the only things I'm planning to buy; I'm also saving up to buy these gorgeous prom dress that I've had my eyes on for a really long time. Speaking of which, here's me at prom last year
(I'm the one on the left!)
Also, my boyfriend Scott recently got in a car accident. He wasn't hurt too badly, but his hand was cut up.
(Top is right after the accident and the bottom is before he had them stitched up)
Like I said, not hurt too badly, but I'm glad no one was riding shotgun (passenger) with him because that side of the car completely crushed.
So, yeah. Not much to talk about really! Sorry :/
Jill Carmine