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Well wot's all this then

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So yeah. Hey, TFF. Long time no see.

Sometime between moving to Texas from New Hampshire, to New Hampshire from Texas, and now to Oregon from New Hampshire, I've kind of lost touch with a bunch of stuff. Now that I'm fully settled in Oregon I'd like to rectify that, starting with TFF.

So, hey bitches, I'm back.



Anyway, things are good here. People in Oregon are just staggeringly nice. It's really changed my outlook on a great many things to finally be around such genuine people. New Hampshire and Texas both were filled with such obnoxiously flaky assholes that I became quite the cynical prick for a while.

Being here has just been such a boon for me. I really feel like Oregon is where I was meant to be. Since I've been here I've taken up Korean (안녕하세요. 맥주를 마시고 싶어요!), lost 32 pounds, and just overall feel really great.

I figure with this newfound interest in living, I might as well work my way back into the common fold of TFF. It's been way too long and I've got a lot of catching up to do.

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  1. Dodie16's Avatar
    I had a nice time in Oregon when I was there. ^^ Has a lot of natural beauty that's so enjoyable to just look at and be around. Glad you've found a place where you're happy to be.
  2. DragonHeart's Avatar
    Aw, does that mean I'm the only New Hampshire resident left around here? That sucks. Glad you're doing well, though! I don't agree with your assessment of fellow Granite Staters, but I think it very much depends on where you are. You lived in Concord, right? That explains a lot. Not that my area is much better; we have a lot of transplanted Massholes, living on the border as I do.
  3. Musashiden's Avatar
    Yeah, something about Concord was just off-putting.

    Like, for instance, my brother has Tourette's Syndrome, and he used to tic pretty loud. It never really bothered me and my family, but apparently, despite many explanations of the noises to our neighbors, it was almost a weekly thing for about a month that we'd have the cops called on us at about 3 in the morning for his tics. We actually had to have a lawyer draft up cease and desist letters for 4 of our neighbors to get them to stop calling the cops.

    I think it's more in retrospect (aside from my neighbors) that NH kind of left a sour taste in my mouth, because while I was living there, it never really bothered me. I think it does have to do with the proximity of where you are to Mass. I did notice that people up in Littleton and Berlin were a hell of a lot nicer. Who knows, I may have just been dealing with an excess of transplants.

    Either way, Texas was worse. Holy freaking crap was Texas worse. At least in NH most folks don't care about your religious and political affiliations. In Texas, you show signs of being anything other than a white Christian Republican, have fun getting your car keyed XD.
  4. DragonHeart's Avatar
    Yeah, it's definitely an area thing. I spent a lot of time up in the Rochester area and in and around the White Mountains when I was younger and I remember people being nothing but friendly and very warm. It only seems to be the border and city areas that get all the asinine residents. With the exception of Portsmouth, lovely city with lots of old time charm.

    I definitely would not do well in Texas. I only tick one of those acceptable boxes, and it's the one I was born with.