, 07-17-2021 at 05:03 PM (13079 Views)
so uh yeah, shit's been real fucked up the past several years. lost both my folks to cancer back in 2017/2018 respectively, Kyo and I broke up back in 2016 cause she was having wicked bad problems and we ended up not talking for like 4 years but we worked shit out and have become pretty decent friends, moved back to New Hampshire for like two years, got a job running a Dollar Tree, and then on a whim decided to move to Tennessee to pursue a relationship that exploded in my face after less than a week
so... shit's been fun. hasn't been all bad tho, got a decent job, quit smoking cigarettes, graduated from university and got my bachelor's degree in computer science (for all the fucking good it's done me lol) and can uh... I guess make NES games written in 6502 ASM now
so yeah, recent events and down time to think got me feeling nostalgic and despite me keeping up with a few folks via facebook I wanted to pop in and see how things were going here. figured a few of y'all were still around and it appears I was right.