Tumblr fangirls creep me out.
, 09-11-2012 at 09:29 PM (6390 Views)
About 2 or 3 weeks ago I got a wild hair up yonder in my ass to join Tumblr. I figured I could use it as more or less a way to make way longer Twitter posts, and that's pretty much what I've used it for.
However, about a week ago, I made the mistake of admitting that I'm a huge Supernatural fan. Not the creepy type, mind you. I just happen to think it's an excellently written show.
Upon posting this, I suddenly found myself awash with fellow SPN fans as followers. I figured this was okay, as I knew some SPN fans were on the iffier side, but most were okay.
Not on Tumblr apparently.
I followed most of them back out of courtesy, only to find my timeline overloading with gif sets of extremely explicit Wincest.
Also, I officially hate Tom Hiddleston and Benedict Cumberbatch now.
Tumblr has scarred me for life.