An annoyance
, 11-17-2012 at 09:38 AM (733 Views)
Things are getting worse in a way, if you could believe it.
My parents come back tomorrow, and the last day or so my sister has been acting al bitchy and pushy. Its like im completely incompetant, which isnt too far from the truth i guess.. Apparently i have to do pretty much everything she tells me to. Oh, this is a younger sister by the way. But yeah, im being ordered to do chores, reminded constantly before she sleeps that i have to do things, and just before she does sleep i get yelled at again that i havent done anything. Dont get me wrong, i do plan on working things out and doing whatever i was supposed to, like my dishes from before.. But before 9? Eh. I usually get up around 12 or something, when i can be bothered. But still, its hella annoying.
Ive gone back to playing D3 with some friends tonight. My old Wagga friends have briefly started talking to me, which is good. Ive been pretty lonely the last few days, so talking to more people can only be a good thing. I do need distractions from worrying about this fangirl i have... Because although i want to tlak to her, i dont really think pondering about why she isnt talking to me right now is a good thing. Distractions will do till she does, which will happen eventually. I hope.. anyways.
Hell.. im drunk now. Needed it to play D3 i guess. Maybe i should just buy goon more often. Hell, it tastes terrible, but at least i dont feel as depressed, which is always a good thing.
Gees, i miss her so much. Why is everything so hateful that as soon as i get to talk to her she vanishes again? Its like.. Here, have some of what you wanted, but we'll take it before you really get anything from it. I cant really think of anyone who makes me more happy just by being around them. Urgh. Well, Aer bought me 4L of goon to last me a week or so. Maybe that will do me till then... And i can just buy more, i guess.
Screw it, im too drunk, aboutnto pass out.