A revised music library
, 10-18-2012 at 07:47 AM (1077 Views)
So, today ive spent a great deal of time getting all my music sorted. Since i gave all my music to my ex (while we were still together), its not all there. Particularly the old stuff i liked, the music that reminded me of the fangirl. Basically, i started this after talking to her today over msn. Its so good now, having everything back. What i couldnt find on my friends computer i just redownloaded. I dont know what it is, but its part of whats making me feel so much better. Music just does that i guess.
As for her, she's pretty much the person i remember, which i think is great. I miss the old days talking day and night about everything, though that cant really happen while she doesnt have a phone. But either way, im really glad we're talking again. Its anouther major thing off my back.
I still have a fairly short attention span. I cant really find myself keeping interest in anything for more than a short amount of time. I hope it doesnt keep on for too long, but theres a good chance that it probably will. And since im at a aer's house, its probably beneficial to be at least studying things related to our game. Probably. Ive made no real progress personally, but im pretty sure he's passed some major things or something. I tend to keep out of it all, its his specialty. But i have nothing to really add at the moment. Inspiration will come soon, most likely. Its how it all works for me, really.
Its late, and im tired, but i dont particularly think ill sleep right now. Plus, id like to talk to a few friends, if they come online. Theres only really one topic on mind, but im sure i know someone who wants to hear.
AERHSRETDBSTRH i need something to do to capture my attention. Might have a look, but i doubt ill find anything.
Late edit: God, im in such a good mood. I started listening to my chemical romance again. Theres.. so many good memories ive hated over the last year or so. But.. I remember a few now, particularly watching the live dvd of the black parade. Its probably my favorite memory, hands down. God, i dont think ive been in such a good mood since.. well then, i think.
"When you go, would you even turn to say hey,
I dont love you like i did yesterday"
When clearly it was the complete opposite. But its such a great song. I dont really know what else to say to it. I might just go back to the enjoyment of this album. Maybe a few times.