, 01-19-2013 at 10:55 AM (716 Views)
Finding it hard to post blog entries. Seems like everything i think of sounds stupid or something. But eh, power through it!
I got a second interview, which is pretty pleasing. So next week ill be going up to the city to be there at something like 8am to start an interview. Not really my ideal time to be awake, but it seems like ill have to make do with it. Treat it as a test, as i do with everything else that gets in my way?
Hmm, that brings an interesting topic ive been going over in my head the last few minutes. Things getting in the way of what i really want or love just seem like tests to me. Tests for devotion, willpower or strength. The best example is always my fangirl. Everything she threw at me, id always treat it as if she was just testing how much i cared. But, i think i proved that in the end anyways. Well, not really the end, if she comes back, that is. I think that seems likely.
On her topic, she was applying for a job at my work. That means she left a resume. Which would have an address. Its pretty tempting to look for that, even though i know that i would do nothing with the invitation anyways. The whole going nowhere unless invited thing sucks. But i dont know what to think of it. Is my mind really willing to do things like that?
Something i havent mentioned in a while, game design.
I havent really done a whole lot lately, or.. that last month. Aer is focusing real hard on his flight tests atm, because he's up to a rather big point in what will be his career. After these exams he wont be able to fly for airlines till he gets his hours up, but after this he will be able to fly with passengers and get paid for it. After that, i believe we'll have a lot of time to get things done.
Me? Ive been playing a lot of 4x games as 'research' lately. Im trying to steer my ideas in that direction a lot more, because i believe it will make a better game, personally. I dont really think too much on attracting an audience, as im pretty sure the audience will come. A lot of people want a game like this, apparently. Or so im lead to believe, looking at forums around for other games. So, i need to find myself a technology system. So far, the main points in these games...
Diplomacy is obvious.
Military strategies are obvious.
Further is a little difficult,
I need a tech system that works. Its not the writing of the 'techs' themselves, its more the way you get them. 4x games make it simpler my researching per 'turn'. And this game will be real time. You could say 'fine, have it go up gradually', but i dont know the factors that would increase it yet. Im trying to steer the game waway from relying on NPCs for anything other than defence and material gathering, but that could probably work. A tradeoff on material gathering or technology. One would lead to a greater gain in both in a way, but having both would be more ideal? Maybe, i dont know, but ill work it out eventually. And i dont know if i want our game to be 'winnable' with a tech victory. Its not a fun way to lose, tbh. Turtling will be fairly effective, since i want people to be able to defend what they have spent so long to craft visually.
Theres always a 4th factor. Usually its either wonders or something like that. Dont really know if this will be included, but it probably should be. Ill work something out that works for us.
Im too drunk. Yes, i know im probably doing this too often, but i only drink when im alone. Whatever, i guess.
What ill be using to sleep tonight ^