An unexpected voice
, 10-15-2012 at 04:34 AM (931 Views)
I've actually managed a bit of motivation in the last few days. It's weird, things are seeming to go right right now. I'm still not quite happy, but I.. I'm feeling better.
Demons asked me out for lunch the other day. He's been out for a week or two, but I had to see him as soon as he came back. Almost sounds gay :< whatever.. but he just randomly bought me pokemon white-2. But I can't play it till I get my ds back. But.. it's awesome! :3
My parents desired control over my life is escalating. The ideas on problems they think I have means that they will likely soon try to interfere with my life, rather that just hinting that they dont like the way I live. I'm just fine, for now. At least, I think anyways. All I need is internet and food and I'm all good. But they are becoming a problem. I knew it would happen.. it happens every time, but eh. I need to move out sooner than I thought, I guess. I'm really just waiting for Magilla and demons to move, so I can move nearby. Problems..
She finally tried to contact me. I'm almost.. completely awestruck. I was in my car after having to leave Magillas house last night at 2am, just chilling listening to music so I didn't have to go home. Though, I guess I had to anyways. But after seeing that.. guess you could say I know I wouldn't sleep. I remember mentioning my anxiety. At some point. Im happy though. My mood has improved and all. But it's intense, and will last till she replies I guess. She contacted me on a positive note. Maybe she misses me as much as I miss her.. at least . That's what I want to believe. Eh, I doubt want to go on about it.. I don't want feel like I'm overreacting. I don't know what I should expect, or act, or hope. We''ll just see I guess. I'm pretty up and down at the moment anyways. Wait.. when am I not? Eh, lol