, 12-01-2012 at 06:32 AM (977 Views)
'Someone i loved very much back home.
He was my emotional support. Thanks to him i was able to face my mistakes without judgment. I learnt to make them right again. Then i lost him and realised i had to do it alone'
Just a quote from a series im watching at the moment. Ive been thinking a lot on the topic, obviously. Since I always compare people ive been with to.. her.. it makes how i feel about love in general so hard to believe. Well, only because noone makes me as happy as she did.
Either way, thats not what im here for tonight. But extra bonus points on whoever knows where the quote came from
A new game has just come out, planetside 2. Im not sure whos familiar with it at all, but it brings up a part of the game im making. A rather major point, in a way. The game itself doesnt involve space at all, but the ground combat system has elements in it that im trying to create in a much smaller scale. Well, that just shows how much of a game we're making, right? PS2 has a capture/hold system to capture territories, and eventually continents for your faction. Its an mmofps. And they've done a really amazing job, too. Ill definately give it a go, for more than just research purposes.
Also, my game designs have steered a fair way out of what the original idea. Well, galactic conquest will always be the same... But i find myself changing a lot over and over. But by not holding such firm ideas, i feel the game is becoming something much better. If i can keep improving my own ideas at this rate, this could be one of the best things to come into the gaming worldthough no promises from me, ill just be there for the ride.
At the moment, well.. tonight.. im tossing up a lot of 'perk' functions. I dont actually know how much ive actually said here. But whether or not to include something similar to a 'talent tree' as most people will probably know from world of warcraft is something major im considering. Though, thats just the easiest thing to compare it to. Im not exactly going to revolutionise combat. Im merely taking something a lot of people have done in a amazing way and fitting it to my environment. Combat will be a major aspect, but its not the combat itself that will make our creation what it will be. Its the size. Communities of people working together to take over the universe. But, that will likely be an unachievable goal itself, gaining a global majority will be the goal here.
So, tech trees and combat perks... Im trying to think around this. Problem is, i have so many other ideas now on other things, and ill never get done if i keep swapping what im thinking about. Urgh.
I submitted my application for my job today. Its in their hands now. Major changes in my life need to happen. I do need certain people, but i can work around them, even if i live a few hours away. My number one question will be asking about people staying in the accomidation they give me. Though, if they dont like it ill smuggle em in anyways. Its not like i dont need the already important people in my life seeing me or anything. we'll see how that goes out.