Good news
, 01-10-2013 at 10:16 AM (733 Views)
So, things are going alright. I dont remember when i made my last post, but i ended up getting a phone interview for crown. Small steps, i know. But its a step closer. Apparently it was said that there was going to be a group interview, which leads me to think that there will be more after this. Either way, this job and i are perfect for each other.
Ive started talking to someone in Germany. She's a cool one. Im a big fan of talking to people from all areas, as long as conversation holds. Seems to be. Trying hard not to mention my fangirl much. I dont want another friendship that goes into a vent-fest of my anxiety. But it is rather hard to keep miss fangirl from dominating my thoughts. Being there constantly is good, consuming, bad. Well, while i dont get to talk to her much, i guess. GAHH!
So, if i get this, in a month's time ill be living out of home again, out in the city. Kind of scary, but i know ill be fine. I cant think of living entirely for someone if i dont know anything about how they are. So.. Till she can, im living for myself i guess. But my will when focused around myself is easily broken. Eh
Doing research atm on phone interviews. Im going to be way over-prepared for once. I really want this job. Hopefully it lives up to expectations. The interview is next Wednesday.
Im really loving the new MCR tracks tonight. So much..
They'll be my own birthday present to myself, i think.