Game dev continues
, 05-16-2013 at 11:55 AM (4869 Views)
Im actually finally getting a bit more inspiration to continue developing, not that my interest has gone down at all. I dont know where i was when i last posted, but ive pretty much got a general idea of the UI i want, which only needs implementation to find finetune it all. And thats not really likely to happen for a fair while.
Found a game today that from videos, shows vaguely what we want from the space side of things (which overall can be a large portion of the game, depending on how you look at it) called X3. Bought it and downloading now, mainly for testing purposes, not that it wont be enjoyable. I still really like seeing what others are doing, especially if its going to help me along with my own ideas. And this... just a few LPs on it have given me a fair few pointers on what i want. Its so much more than i can do without a playable game, so its ideal till that happens.
Oh, right.. UI.. Im actually looking to make something as optional as possible for the user. At bare minimum it should be easy to use and have everything a general person could want/need. Then on the other end of the scale i want things to be changable enough in a simple fashion that you can make everything as complex as you want. Not much being given away, i know.. But i really need pictures for that, and its too late to get ms paint out to show you. Though, i think i should have something basic to go by in the demo, which i was told about a month ago that it was about a month ago. Hopefully by late july, i think.
This was all things i was thinking about a while ago, tbh. Its all work ive stalled on till i actually have something i can work with. Right now im in the process of working out ship flight mechanics, as well as how AI ships controlled by you would react to things. Early enough thoughts that im really thinking on how thoughtful they should be or what should make them good/bad in combat in comparison to a player. Id still like a smaller player to have absolutely no chance against an AI fleet, but have PvP space warfare to be still about AI ships making a moderate impact. Seems obvious now that i think back on what ive written, but i cant really go into the detail i am in my thoughts here for some reason. W/E, really. Its coming along.
I dont know if ive mentioned, but i actually have a few people interested in designing a webpage for me for free, although they are still studying. Things that i would pay for if the game itself was actually making money for me to do so. In addition, i have one or two people interested in aiding me in a few structure issues i might have, such as FPS. Im not that into FPS in general, or at least until recently, so extra hands will always be rather beneficial. Urgh, i cant wait :<
Living conditions are going down a lot, atm. My ex is getting a lot more difficult in some ways. Ive literally had almost no sleep for a week now.., The start of which was my own doing (i HAVE to see my fangirl. No question about that) but then being woken up at 8 in the morning by her playing guitar right next to me is pretty painful. This morning.. I had her wake up at like 4 as i went to sleep, only to have her wake me up half hour later for no apparent reason, then had her literally yelling over skype till 8am. I think i only got 2 or 3 hours sleep after she left before sleep became impossible for me at 4pm. Its definitely not as bad as my parents house in a reasonable amount of ways, but things are still relatively difficult for the time being. I have been rejected by pretty much all the jobs ive applied for.. too, so thats not particularly helping either. Ive missed the cut-off date to start uni for this half year..
I have a month to myself here end of next month. My ex is going to america for 4-5 weeks or something. Not entirely sure how thatll go, but it should be good, really. I really need some time to myself. LOTS of time to myself. So it should do wonders for me. Not that im likely to have any doubts about what i want right now, but i still need that time.
Fangirl seems to be going 'ok'. She's started letting a bit of her pain show, though. Her strength has always inspired me, so this is somewhat worrying. But, she seems to be going alright, especially now that MCR have split. I cant wait to be able to freely see her. Its pretty much the biggest thing in the forseeable future that i look forward to. We probably wont really be able to until she leaves home, due to circumstance, and she really isnt ready to move out on her own at all still. I dont actually think she could handle being alone. And i actually expect it to be bad for us initually if she moved in with me without us hanging out a lot first. Everything would just come as a shock. Or at least could. I dont entirely know her standards of living, although im really relaxed about all that stuff. Im not entirely sure, but i think she hinted that i should try and look for a place pet friendly. She's mentioned it a few times when i was talking about here i wanted to live and stuff. Doesnt really mean anything, but i guess i can always hope. I want to be close to her again. We just cant only being able to see each other an hour a week without being able to talk at all outside of that. -sighs- hopes and dreams..
I should really sleep. Probably not going to get a whole lot of sleep tonight though.. And i have work tomorrow. And i was asked to not come back here tomorrow as my ex needs my car. -sighs-.
Either way, im not dead. And yes i am still developing, for those here who are actually interested. Its just slow.. Probably faster when we get something good enough to build hype with, lol.