Happy new year!
, 12-31-2012 at 09:51 AM (663 Views)
For those that can enjoy it.
For me, new years is sitting at home alone drinking myself silly doing the only thing i can, really, playing video games. Wasnt invited to anything special this year. Nothing at all. Usually I am.. even if its just to drive someone there, so i get the 'driver' invite. Ah well, i dont really enjoy large groups of people anyways.
Had someone rage at me on facebook. Was the guy who dated my first real ex after i did. Apparently i called him a douchebag on a facebook status a few years ago, probably after he stole my ex. So, eternal hatred in every way for me, alongside mass insults and 'that next time you are sitting on the other side of the room from me, you'll **** your pants'. I mean, come on. If you really want to insult someone, do it right? I almost laughed at his pathetic attempts to scare me? And all this, because i mentioned on someones status that i was drinking alone tonight, lol. Ahh, people.
Played in a tournament the other day with randys. They were pretty outmatched (my role was more of a support earlygame, and we didnt leave early game because they died that much), and got dominated rather quickly. Given, this team was pretty high rated and ended up getting 3rd place or something. Makes me somewhat exited to get my own team going, which seems to be getting a little closer, kind of.
Im enjoying being alone a lot more than i have in a while, but im still incredibly lonely. Does that make sense?
Its january, now, so its about time i start applying for jobs. Ive decided that i should apply for something semi-local. For now, at least. The last thing miss fangirl said was that she was looking for full-time jobs. Implying that its in the area. So thats where im staying, currently. As for living arrangements, i cant stay here. The second i get centrelink payments ill move out, mainly for my sanity/well being (funnily enough). Demons and his gf (or only his gf, doesnt really matter) want to move out, before/after she gets a job. That doesnt matter much, because im pretty sure they have the money to at the moment. Seems like a good choice of people. Demons does have friends im not overly fond of, but i can keep my rather solemn life regardless if im in my room. Noone is exactly going to stay up later than me to keep me awake and its hard to wake me unless you know how. Which is a secret i havent really told anyone.
But i really do need a job. Really really. Thai MAY get me the money i need with centrelink and an extra shift (doing the math, i get ~80 a shift, with probably ~250 scaled down 40 per shift. So, 350ish. Doesnt really sound like enough. Might do, i dont know)
Someones awake, eep. To bed i go!