A reattempt
, 11-21-2012 at 11:48 PM (620 Views)
So, ive been thinking to myself briefly about what i need for myself.
So, i need people. That isnt going to change. But i dont particularly need the people around me. A few, definately. But whatever. They arnt something i can change in my own life. I need a relocation. That much i am sure of. I need to be able to what as i please. This cannot be done here. This also cannot be done with random people. I need stability and a friend who i can move in with. This leads me to think that moving with Pedo will only be a good thing. Though, he's already moved out. But i guess ill see if he's avaliable to hang out some time or something.
As for stability, i need a job. But this isnt something like a full time job. I dont know if that will really do much for me. But eh, we'll see. The job is important. If i can earn myself upwards of 400 a week i feel that i will be able to live comfortably.
Maybe ill look for a few jobs a distance from here closer to where i want to be. An hour closer to the city will be a lot more ideal. So much more ideal in fact that i feel i could be a lot happier there. We'll see. Its an idea, at least. And i MAY be able to live working there for a short amount of time while i re-pay most of my debts. Only... What do i apply for?
A friend of mine is getting married this weekend. She actually asked me today if i was able to serve drinks and stuff there. Seems weird for me, noone asks that sort of stuff. Im as unreliable as all hell. But hey, ill do anything that people need.