Good times
, 01-30-2013 at 09:54 AM (760 Views)
Oh, the title coming from me definitely means everythings awesome, right? HA
Remember me saying that everything has been going wrong so far, excluding the two things i wanted most? Well, for a while now ive thought id only get one. Today i got the call saying that i wasnt good enough for the traineeship, and that im stuck here a little longer without hope. Yeah, i obviously suck. Ive also lost my friend's DS that i borrowed, along with white 2. Guess im giving him my DS now and buying a new one.. Thats my own fault though.
Its hard, thinking back on this year. I cant really write here most of the time, due to not wanting to think back. Ive began just powering through metro, letting the fear it brings distract me from my own life. Its taken me long enough to play as it is. Im not that scared, really. I just get to parts where i get a little freaked by something really sudden then leave it for the rest of the day or so. But the monsters here are kind of... Well, they rush the shit out of you and maul you before you can really react too hard unless you're looking for them. Oh, and im playing on hardcore mode for the hilarity. But i seem to be surviving?
I found a website that does a lot of clothes regarding gaming as well. Tried to improve my mood. Only she's done it, really. Didnt expect a reply at 12am. But i think im buying a few, just because pokemon is awesome. And ive capped out net for the month, though it resets in 24 hours. Its enough to get yelled at for, though. I just.. hope centrelink comes through for me for once. I pay taxes, yet it doesnt really do anything for me when i need it. My higher education hasnt really done anything for me, nor any other public services, really. But hell, those 14 year old girls who want to quit their jobs for centrelink money can do it just fine. Eh.
I just wanted you to know, that the world is ugly,
But you're beautiful to me
Well are you thinking of me now?
These two new songs, the world is ugly and the light behind your eyes are hitting me pretty hard atm. The last thing i need is more to feel. But, its better than hate, i guess.
I just wanted you to know
That im thinking of you
Every night, every day.