Halloween Adventure
, 11-01-2012 at 07:04 PM (1226 Views)
Sorry for not being as active as of late, guys, not sure why I'm not. I think it's a mix of work and distractions via other sectors of the internet.
Anyway, Rhapso broke his standards again. Here's the story:
My friends (psuedo-named for this) Raymond, his girlfriend Catherine, and Jake all decided to go and see a midnight catch of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. We had our gear, I wore a dress over my regular clothes, we were ready to join the other freaks. Except for Jake, who flaked on us ten minutes before we left for the theatre. So the three of us head out without him, only to find the theatre wasn't doing Rocky Horror this year for some unnamed reason. A bit bummed, we headed back to the car, when Catherine took her ukulele out from under the seat and said "Let's go see if anything's going on downtown!"
She was wearing a blood-stained wedding dress, train and all, just singing and playing ukulele until she made about eight bucks, me and Raymond standing off to the side to make sure she didn't get heckled. I had no idea what was going on until she picked up the cash, said "Let's go!" and took off, us in her wake.
We arrived at about midnight to this small little club called the Scandal. Thank goodness I turned 18 recently. Anyway, we enter, and I immediately assume every stereotype I've ever heard is true, and proceed to have a bad time for ten minutes, sitting at a table alone while Raymond and Catherine dance. I get kinda nervous and feel like people are staring at me, so I get up to try and find them out on the floor. Once I found them, I was obliged to keep out there and dance with them, and by Jove, I began to have fun, awkwardly shuffling. A minute or two went by and I noticed this beautiful girl dancing alone, and kept looking over to her, and eventually she made eye contact with me. Never before has my heart rushed that quickly. We danced for a good bit before I found Catherine and Raymond again, and we decided to leave, since it was already 2 A.M.
I should have asked for her name, in retrospect, but I still say it was a success. I like nightclubs now, which is honestly the last place I thought I'd enjoy. Being a normal young adult is quite enjoyable. I might make it a point to go back there sometime.
Anyway, I hope to post more, and maybe have a more interesting story for you guys next time. Until then,