Sometimes you just have to say **** it
, 09-17-2012 at 09:54 PM (1560 Views)
Well, this weekend was long as hell, and the days are getting longer and longer. I had class for work on Saturday and Sunday, for 8 hours a pop. Today I pulled a solid 15 hour day, on the clock from about 630 to 10. Maybe 1030 if I'm feeling like scamming a little bit.Tomorrow, I'm working from about 8 to 10. Not gonna lie, these classes wear me down, but the pay and the comp time are freakin sweet. I'll probably wind up taking a week off after I take the test I'm studying for.
However, in other news, people making my day longer... My ex, the one who I just got my shit back from the other night, texted me while I was in class, asking me where I bought the condoms I use. She then feels the need to send another text, telling me that she's running low.
Honestly, I don't need to know that, and even though the breakup was mutual, and I didn't feel it for her for quite some time leading up to that, it's kind of messed up to go telling me about that shit. I know it's immature, but as a means of giving her a subtle **** you, I deleted all pics of the both of us, or her friends from my fb account. Plus, I don't necessarily need other people seeing pics of the two of us, when that shit is over with. Also, I can do a lot better, both looks and personality wise.
Like I said. It's time I said **** it and just cut her out completely. There's nothing more that I need her for.